24 Hilarious Pics Of People Posing With Statues
11. "My Hero!"
Way to save the day, big guy. We all just need to feel safe, don't we?
12. "What 'cha Thinking About?"
"Oh nothing, just statue stuff."
13. Hair-Raising
Statues do not mess around when it comes to discipline.
14. Getting Fresh
That sort of thing will get your face slapped, my good man.
15. Beating Up Spiderman
If his Spidey Sense wasn't tingling before, it is now.
16. Roughing Up The Tourists
The dangling feet are a nice touch. This man is dedicated (and strong!).
17. Head Up His... Moose
Does anyone have a flashlight he can borrow?18. The Karate Kid
19. "Get Off My Lawn!"
See? I told you statues were badasses.
20. Riding A Magnificent Beast
"Onward, my noble stag! Onward!"