What US Immigration Services Looks For on a Visa Petition
US immigration services (USCIS) sets out strict guidelines for each visa petition, and they expect all applicants to follow them.
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be a guessing game to figure out what USCIS is looking for; the information is actually pretty straightforward.
Here's what you can do to meet the expectations of US immigration services with your visa petition.
Submitting a Successful Visa Petition to US Immigration Services Completeness Before you start filling out any forms, read through the filing instructions.
Make sure you understand exactly what is required of you, and follow the steps to create a complete petition.
Incomplete petitions are likely to result in a delay to your application, if not a rejection.
Go over your petition and check the details.
If using a pen, do the instructions specify what type of ink you need to use? If you typed the application, make sure that you are not using hard to read fonts or colors.
Did you sign where indicated? Did you submit all applicable evidence? Did you include the filing fee in the correct amount? Remember that if you submit an incorrect fee or an unsigned application, it will be rejected.
Accuracy Complete your petition as honestly and accurately as possible.
There should be no inconsistencies throughout the paperwork.
You want to avoid making US immigration services suspicious about your petition.
If you make a mistake while filling out your forms, scratch out the incorrect information and initial the correction or start again.
Do not change or alter legal documents or evidence in any way.
This can lead to an inaccurate petition.
Misrepresentations on your petition can be considered fraud, and USCIS may deny your application, as well as deny immigration benefits to other people involved.
Supporting Documentation Supporting documents play a key role in helping US immigration services determine the eligibility of your case.
Your supporting documents should be clear, legible, and any document in a foreign language should be accompanied by a full English translation.
In most cases, copies of documents are admissible as evidence, though immigration will sometimes ask to see the original.
If you do not send all of the required supporting documents, your petition will be put on hold until you submit them.
If you are asked to provide a document that doesn't exist, you must prove that the document doesn't exist, along with an explanation as to why.
If any evidence is missing, US immigration services typically issues a request for evidence and supplies a deadline by which you must submit it.
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be a guessing game to figure out what USCIS is looking for; the information is actually pretty straightforward.
Here's what you can do to meet the expectations of US immigration services with your visa petition.
Submitting a Successful Visa Petition to US Immigration Services Completeness Before you start filling out any forms, read through the filing instructions.
Make sure you understand exactly what is required of you, and follow the steps to create a complete petition.
Incomplete petitions are likely to result in a delay to your application, if not a rejection.
Go over your petition and check the details.
If using a pen, do the instructions specify what type of ink you need to use? If you typed the application, make sure that you are not using hard to read fonts or colors.
Did you sign where indicated? Did you submit all applicable evidence? Did you include the filing fee in the correct amount? Remember that if you submit an incorrect fee or an unsigned application, it will be rejected.
Accuracy Complete your petition as honestly and accurately as possible.
There should be no inconsistencies throughout the paperwork.
You want to avoid making US immigration services suspicious about your petition.
If you make a mistake while filling out your forms, scratch out the incorrect information and initial the correction or start again.
Do not change or alter legal documents or evidence in any way.
This can lead to an inaccurate petition.
Misrepresentations on your petition can be considered fraud, and USCIS may deny your application, as well as deny immigration benefits to other people involved.
Supporting Documentation Supporting documents play a key role in helping US immigration services determine the eligibility of your case.
Your supporting documents should be clear, legible, and any document in a foreign language should be accompanied by a full English translation.
In most cases, copies of documents are admissible as evidence, though immigration will sometimes ask to see the original.
If you do not send all of the required supporting documents, your petition will be put on hold until you submit them.
If you are asked to provide a document that doesn't exist, you must prove that the document doesn't exist, along with an explanation as to why.
If any evidence is missing, US immigration services typically issues a request for evidence and supplies a deadline by which you must submit it.