50 Tips For Being Thrifty
We have created a list of fifty tips for being thrifty, which will not only help you save money but may also get you thinking about the way you spend it!
-Car share with work colleagues and split the cost of petrol. Not only are you helping the environment but also saving your pennies
-Plan ahead for long journeys. Use Google Maps to determine the shortest route to your destination and keep an eye out on traffic news
-Review your sky/cable subscription. Do you really watch all the channels?
-Use your local government leisure centre to save costs on gym memberships. Better still go for a jog. Its free!
-Cut down or quit smoking. Benefits your health, those around you and saves a lot of money
-At the end of your day, put all your loose change in a jar and youll be surprised at how much you have saved by the end of the month
-Cut back on costs by taking a packed lunch to work. Prepare your lunch the night before to make sure you have enough time in the morning
-If you are feeling cold, put a jumper on! Think about the cost of heating up an entire room vs putting your favorite jumper on and cuddling a hot water bottle
-Join online money saving forums/blogs. Joining a community is a great way to learn and pass on other money saving tips
-Dont forget to ask for a discount if you are buying a big item or paying cash, just ask for money off. The worst they can say is no.
-The simplest tip of all but one we regularly forget switch off all lights behind you!
-Unplug all electrical items by the main switch as standby still uses up a lot of power
-Wash your clothes at 30c saves money and helps the environment
-Recycle cleaning products by topping up a 1/3 of the bottle with water
-Use large electrical items such as a dishwasher or washing machine during off peak hours. Contact your energy provider to find out when and if you have peak/off-peak hours
-Need a new sofa? Instead of buying one, why not buy the material you want and re-upholster your old sofa into a brand new one
-Changing all your bulbs to low energy bulbs- they last longer and will reduce costs on your energy bill
-Turning the thermostat down on your heating most households have it set too high without even realizing
-Instead of throwing away old newspapers, use them as insulation in the loft/attic
-Save your money on cleaning products by using items like lemon juice, baking powder and vinegar to clean
-Check out the reduced shelf in the supermarket for a bargain, you can always freeze products that are close to the sell by date so you have them for longer
-Dont throw away your leftovers. Put it in a sandwich bag or use tupper-wear and freeze for a rainy day
-Dishes like lasagna, stews and curries can be made in large quantities and frozen for later use.
-Add vinegar to an almost empty bottle of mayonnaise and season with some Italian herbs for a lovely, fresh salad dressing
-Take your own shopping bags as some supermarkets offer loyalty points and/or charge for bags
-Sign up for a supermarket club card, they are normally free and you can earn rewards every time you shop
-Never go food shopping on an empty stomach you will end up buying junk
-Plan your weekly diet ahead and stick to the shopping list
-Check BOGOF offers before you get fooled by the packaging and advertising. Is it really financially better for you? Do you even need two of the same product?
-Dont be snobbish with brands. Big brands spend a lot on advertising therefore, they will push the cost back to you somehow
-Invite your friends round and buy a bottle of wine from the supermarket or off license to save costs
-Find out when your local pub or favorite bar has happy hour and make the most of the offers
-Organise a Come dine with me competition with your friends and family to save costs on eating out and socialising
-Consider using film clubs for entertainment i.e. LoveFilm or Netflix instead of going to the cinema or renting/buying DVDs
-Find out what is happening in your local area. Local authorities usually host weekend events which can be cheap or in some cases, free fun for the entire family
-Check sites such Groupon, Living Social and Wowcher for low cost deals on days out and adventure activities
-Visit your local community centre for free activities to do with the family
-Instead of going shopping on the high street, why not spend a Sunday afternoon at your local car boot sale or summer market
-Sites such as All Gigs provide a detailed list of all musical and comedy gigs around the UK. Great for weekends when you need to save money but fancy a night out!
-Board games are great fun and not just for children. Why not get all the family involved and host a games night
Beauty and Fashion
-Throw a clothes swap party with friends and families to freshen up your wardrobe instead of buying new clothes
-Learn the art of threading and waxing yourself instead of going to the beauticians
-Save money on conditioner by investing in hair oil products such as coconut oil, argan oil or even amla oil. These cheap and natural products can be used on a regular basis and if left on overnight, will work wonders on the condition of your hair
-Create your own natural and organic face mask. Simply mix 1tbsp of warm honey with 6 fresh rose petals, 2 tbsp of rose water and 2tbsp of natural yogurt for an exotic home-made face mask! Great for all skin types
-Sea salt is great for adding intense flavor to your food but can also be used in a body scrub mixture. Mix sea salt with coconut olive oil and add a few drops of essential oils (dependent on your gender, you could use lavender, jasmine, lemon and many more). Leave it in a lovely jar on the edge of your bath!
-Embellish old clothes with sequins, diamonds or unique motifs for an instant update. Dont follow the trends, start them!
-Hairdressers usually offer first time customers a big discount. So why not try that new luxury hair salon for the first time and see what they can offer you
-Sign up to sites such as Magic Freebies UK for free samples from leading beauty manufacturers
-Dont be afraid to browse the second hand shops, you never know what vintage bargains you might find.
-Buying in bulk doesnt always save you money but items you use regularly such as Toothpaste and toilet paper can work out cheaper
-So why not change small little habits for any of the above and see if they can help you save a few pennies here and there. Alternatively, if you feel there is a tip we all must utilise then please share by commenting below.
-Car share with work colleagues and split the cost of petrol. Not only are you helping the environment but also saving your pennies
-Plan ahead for long journeys. Use Google Maps to determine the shortest route to your destination and keep an eye out on traffic news
-Review your sky/cable subscription. Do you really watch all the channels?
-Use your local government leisure centre to save costs on gym memberships. Better still go for a jog. Its free!
-Cut down or quit smoking. Benefits your health, those around you and saves a lot of money
-At the end of your day, put all your loose change in a jar and youll be surprised at how much you have saved by the end of the month
-Cut back on costs by taking a packed lunch to work. Prepare your lunch the night before to make sure you have enough time in the morning
-If you are feeling cold, put a jumper on! Think about the cost of heating up an entire room vs putting your favorite jumper on and cuddling a hot water bottle
-Join online money saving forums/blogs. Joining a community is a great way to learn and pass on other money saving tips
-Dont forget to ask for a discount if you are buying a big item or paying cash, just ask for money off. The worst they can say is no.
-The simplest tip of all but one we regularly forget switch off all lights behind you!
-Unplug all electrical items by the main switch as standby still uses up a lot of power
-Wash your clothes at 30c saves money and helps the environment
-Recycle cleaning products by topping up a 1/3 of the bottle with water
-Use large electrical items such as a dishwasher or washing machine during off peak hours. Contact your energy provider to find out when and if you have peak/off-peak hours
-Need a new sofa? Instead of buying one, why not buy the material you want and re-upholster your old sofa into a brand new one
-Changing all your bulbs to low energy bulbs- they last longer and will reduce costs on your energy bill
-Turning the thermostat down on your heating most households have it set too high without even realizing
-Instead of throwing away old newspapers, use them as insulation in the loft/attic
-Save your money on cleaning products by using items like lemon juice, baking powder and vinegar to clean
-Check out the reduced shelf in the supermarket for a bargain, you can always freeze products that are close to the sell by date so you have them for longer
-Dont throw away your leftovers. Put it in a sandwich bag or use tupper-wear and freeze for a rainy day
-Dishes like lasagna, stews and curries can be made in large quantities and frozen for later use.
-Add vinegar to an almost empty bottle of mayonnaise and season with some Italian herbs for a lovely, fresh salad dressing
-Take your own shopping bags as some supermarkets offer loyalty points and/or charge for bags
-Sign up for a supermarket club card, they are normally free and you can earn rewards every time you shop
-Never go food shopping on an empty stomach you will end up buying junk
-Plan your weekly diet ahead and stick to the shopping list
-Check BOGOF offers before you get fooled by the packaging and advertising. Is it really financially better for you? Do you even need two of the same product?
-Dont be snobbish with brands. Big brands spend a lot on advertising therefore, they will push the cost back to you somehow
-Invite your friends round and buy a bottle of wine from the supermarket or off license to save costs
-Find out when your local pub or favorite bar has happy hour and make the most of the offers
-Organise a Come dine with me competition with your friends and family to save costs on eating out and socialising
-Consider using film clubs for entertainment i.e. LoveFilm or Netflix instead of going to the cinema or renting/buying DVDs
-Find out what is happening in your local area. Local authorities usually host weekend events which can be cheap or in some cases, free fun for the entire family
-Check sites such Groupon, Living Social and Wowcher for low cost deals on days out and adventure activities
-Visit your local community centre for free activities to do with the family
-Instead of going shopping on the high street, why not spend a Sunday afternoon at your local car boot sale or summer market
-Sites such as All Gigs provide a detailed list of all musical and comedy gigs around the UK. Great for weekends when you need to save money but fancy a night out!
-Board games are great fun and not just for children. Why not get all the family involved and host a games night
Beauty and Fashion
-Throw a clothes swap party with friends and families to freshen up your wardrobe instead of buying new clothes
-Learn the art of threading and waxing yourself instead of going to the beauticians
-Save money on conditioner by investing in hair oil products such as coconut oil, argan oil or even amla oil. These cheap and natural products can be used on a regular basis and if left on overnight, will work wonders on the condition of your hair
-Create your own natural and organic face mask. Simply mix 1tbsp of warm honey with 6 fresh rose petals, 2 tbsp of rose water and 2tbsp of natural yogurt for an exotic home-made face mask! Great for all skin types
-Sea salt is great for adding intense flavor to your food but can also be used in a body scrub mixture. Mix sea salt with coconut olive oil and add a few drops of essential oils (dependent on your gender, you could use lavender, jasmine, lemon and many more). Leave it in a lovely jar on the edge of your bath!
-Embellish old clothes with sequins, diamonds or unique motifs for an instant update. Dont follow the trends, start them!
-Hairdressers usually offer first time customers a big discount. So why not try that new luxury hair salon for the first time and see what they can offer you
-Sign up to sites such as Magic Freebies UK for free samples from leading beauty manufacturers
-Dont be afraid to browse the second hand shops, you never know what vintage bargains you might find.
-Buying in bulk doesnt always save you money but items you use regularly such as Toothpaste and toilet paper can work out cheaper
-So why not change small little habits for any of the above and see if they can help you save a few pennies here and there. Alternatively, if you feel there is a tip we all must utilise then please share by commenting below.