Iowa Hunting Seasons
- Whitetail deer are found throughout Iowa.whitetail buck image by Bruce MacQueen from
Deer hunters can fill their tags every fall with seasons running from the beginning of October until the end of January. Archery seasons take place from the beginning of October until early December and late December until mid-January. Early muzzleloader season takes place in October and the late season coincides with the second archery season. Two shotgun seasons take place in December. The first is the week between the archery seasons and the second starts a few days later. There are two antlerless-only seasons, in November and January. Youth and disabled hunters have special seasons in late September and early October. - Turkey seasons are in the spring and fall.turkey image by Bobi from
Hunters can chase turkeys in the spring and fall. Spring turkey hunting is broken into four seasons, anywhere from four to 19 days each. Resident youth get a three-day season before the regular season opens and residents also have the opportunity to buy an archery license that is valid from the beginning of the first season until the end of the fourth season. Fall turkeys can be pursued with a combination gun and bow license from mid-October until early December and archery licenses are good from the beginning of October until early December and a three-week period from late December to mid-January. - Iowa's squirrel season lasts five months.squirrel image by Tanya McConnell from
Cottontail rabbits and gray and fox squirrel seasons open in early September. Squirrel season closes at the end of January and cottontail hunters can chase their prey until the end of February. Jackrabbits are legal game from the end of October through November. Coyotes can be hunted year-round with either a small game license or a fur bearer license. - Rooster pheasants are legal game.pheasant a image by Christian Bridgwater from
Four species of game birds have seasons in Iowa. Ruffed grouse season opens in early October, gray partridge season starts in mid-October and bobwhite quail and pheasant both have openers at the end of October. Pheasant season closes in mid-January and the other three birds can be hunted until the end of January. Pheasant, quail and partridge hunting is limited to 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Duck seasons follow federal image by Henryk Olszewski from
Season dates for waterfowl hunting are approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the end of August every year. The state is divided into two zones for ducks and Canada geese. Typically, Iowa's duck season starts with a short split in September followed by the remainder of the season running from mid-October to mid-December. Canada goose seasons are split into three parts running from late September to mid-January. White-fronted and light goose seasons are statewide starting in late September. The white-fronted goose season ends in early December while the light goose season continues into early January, followed immediately by the federal light goose conservation season until mid-April. A special season for resident Canada geese usually takes place the first half of September. - Bobcat hunting is limited.lynx roux (bobcat) en for?at image by Anthony MAGIDS from
Red and gray fox, raccoon, possum, badger and striped skunk can be hunted from early November until the end of January with no limit. Bobcats can be hunted at the same time in 25 counties, but each hunter is limited to one animal per season and there is a statewide quota of 200 cats.
Small Game
Game Birds