Tips to Help You Love Thy Neighbor
This motto would make the world spin around much smoother but following through can be difficult at times.
There are neighbors that are easy to love, there are neighbors that are easy to tolerate and there are neighbors that would make everyone happier if they had an island to themselves (and the rest of us might be willing to pitch in to make that possible).
We have some neighbors that are easy to love.
Although the constant love that they send our way can be annoying, it is just one more of the signs that they are gifted at hospitality.
They are always opening their home to someone, sharing food, offering entertainment and making everyone feel welcomed.
We have some neighbors that keep to themselves and make it easy to tolerate their presence.
They just do what they are going to do without much fuss or excitement.
But they keep an eye on their other neighbors and reach out to help or protect when necessary.
We have some neighbors that make following this motto a tough choice.
There are times when we feel like they go out of their way to make life difficult for us.
Their actions are like red flags in front of a bull and we want to charge in and make things right FOR US.
We have some neighbors that are open to visits and come by occasionally but are not aggressive in their need to connect.
When trouble comes up they are the first to reach out but under normal circumstances a visit now and then to catch up is all that is necessary.
We have some neighbors that are invisible.
You only know they are there because there is a property line.
There is no connection or communication.
Technically the neighbor is the land and not the people.
Neighbors are like people - okay they are people - and people come in all shapes and forms.
Loving your neighbor is only difficult when I focus on me and what I get out of the deal.
Taking self out of the equation and loving that neighbor just because they exist is what the motto is all about and that really will make the world turn smoother.
Become a Good Neighbor
There are neighbors that are easy to love, there are neighbors that are easy to tolerate and there are neighbors that would make everyone happier if they had an island to themselves (and the rest of us might be willing to pitch in to make that possible).
We have some neighbors that are easy to love.
Although the constant love that they send our way can be annoying, it is just one more of the signs that they are gifted at hospitality.
They are always opening their home to someone, sharing food, offering entertainment and making everyone feel welcomed.
We have some neighbors that keep to themselves and make it easy to tolerate their presence.
They just do what they are going to do without much fuss or excitement.
But they keep an eye on their other neighbors and reach out to help or protect when necessary.
We have some neighbors that make following this motto a tough choice.
There are times when we feel like they go out of their way to make life difficult for us.
Their actions are like red flags in front of a bull and we want to charge in and make things right FOR US.
We have some neighbors that are open to visits and come by occasionally but are not aggressive in their need to connect.
When trouble comes up they are the first to reach out but under normal circumstances a visit now and then to catch up is all that is necessary.
We have some neighbors that are invisible.
You only know they are there because there is a property line.
There is no connection or communication.
Technically the neighbor is the land and not the people.
Neighbors are like people - okay they are people - and people come in all shapes and forms.
Loving your neighbor is only difficult when I focus on me and what I get out of the deal.
Taking self out of the equation and loving that neighbor just because they exist is what the motto is all about and that really will make the world turn smoother.
Become a Good Neighbor
- Take a small gift to your neighbor just to let them know you are thinking about them (a basket of muffins, a plant or a wind chime because you noticed that they collect them).
- Have a block party and invite all the neighbors to attend.
Make it short, informal and relaxed.
If you live in the country then invite the neighbors within a mile or so of your home.
Neighbor is a more relaxed term in the country. - Keep up with the neighbors through a phone chain, newsletter or a gathering once a month.
This will help you all to know what the others need, want or desire. - Know the names, addresses and phone numbers of all your neighbors (and not just the ones you like) so that you can get in touch when necessary or when in need.
- Be willing to reach out to your neighbors without expectation.
Stop thinking about what you will get from the effort and concentrate on what you can give.