Panic Attacks Triggers - Ignore at Your Peril
Knowing your panic attacks triggers can go a long way in helping you in your daily life when dealing with panic attacks.
Opinion is divided as to the exact causes of panic attacks as it appears no single cause can be exclusively identified.
Some experts believe that the reasons why panic attacks happen to one person and not another are biological yet other researchers tend to think that the underlying causes are psychological.
Whatever camp you are in, no-one can dispute how frightening and distressing these attacks can be.
Some psychological triggers include childhood fears - where a person had a particularly frightening or fearful experience as a child.
This can include anything that we adults subject our children to which makes a big enough impact, for example a physical threat or expressing our disapproval about something or making them feel bad about themselves in some way.
Later in adulthood, if the person is reminded of this episode and the thoughts and feelings they experienced at the time, it can be enough to trigger a full blown panic attack.
We should treat our children with love and respect always, though it can be difficult at times.
No-one would wish to be the cause of panic attacks in their children.
Everyday panic attacks triggers should be looked at to see what you can do to help yourself limit the possibility of an attack.
Opinion is divided as to the exact causes of panic attacks as it appears no single cause can be exclusively identified.
Some experts believe that the reasons why panic attacks happen to one person and not another are biological yet other researchers tend to think that the underlying causes are psychological.
Whatever camp you are in, no-one can dispute how frightening and distressing these attacks can be.
Some psychological triggers include childhood fears - where a person had a particularly frightening or fearful experience as a child.
This can include anything that we adults subject our children to which makes a big enough impact, for example a physical threat or expressing our disapproval about something or making them feel bad about themselves in some way.
Later in adulthood, if the person is reminded of this episode and the thoughts and feelings they experienced at the time, it can be enough to trigger a full blown panic attack.
We should treat our children with love and respect always, though it can be difficult at times.
No-one would wish to be the cause of panic attacks in their children.
Everyday panic attacks triggers should be looked at to see what you can do to help yourself limit the possibility of an attack.
- Coffee - If you suffer from panic attacks, limit your caffeine intake to 2 cups per day.
Don;t forget caffeine is also present in coke and other high energy drinks.
Bear this in mind when deciding what to drink.
Increase your water intake instead which is more beneficial to your general health. - Alcohol - Drink in moderation and you will avoid a hangover.
Alcohol withdrawal is what seems to trigger panic attacks. - Smoking - Although a lot of people and people with panic attacks, smoke to stay calm or steady their nerves, nicotine has been proven to increase adrenalin production, keeping you in a heightened state of anxiety and thus ready for an attack.