Home Remedy for Sarcoptic Mange
- First, confirm that sarcoptic mange is affecting the animal. The vet does this by analyzing skin scrapings. Remove the surface scales and bacteria with a medicated shampoo before using the remedy as you should not rinse the animal off after treatment.
Mix 3 tbsp. of borax with 500ml of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide and 1,000ml of water. Stir the solution until the borax is dissolved. You can use the borax from the laundry aisle of a local grocery shop or sodium perborate -- if you can find it. The latter is gentler on the dog.
After washing the animal with medicated shampoo, apply the borax solution to affected arease. Do not rinse. Allow the mixture to stay on the skin. This will kill the mites living on the animal after washing.
Treat the animal with the mixture daily until the mites are gone. Always wear gloves while treating the animal to prevent mites from jumping onto your skin. - In addition to treating the animal with the borax solution, soak the affected areas with hydrogen peroxide three to four times a day. Additionally, apply grapeseed oil or lavender massage oil to the affected area three to four times a day.
Lavender oil works as an anesthetic for the itching and is also an antiseptic to help prevent the scratches from becoming infected. Plus, it interferes with the mite's larvae stage, helping slow their growth. Last, the smell of lavender helps the dog relax. - Along with treating the animal, get rid of the mites (dead or otherwise) that have fallen onto furniture, carpeting, etc., that your pet has touched. Using the borax solution, damp-dust anything the animal has been on, especially all soft-covered furniture, soft furnishings, beds, mattresses and carpets. Vacuum over everything that the animal has used or touched.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Borax Mixture and Lavender
Furniture and Carpets