The Truth About Cancer Cures
What is the truth about Cancer Cures? Can we believe all that we read on this subject or are we being subjected to lies from both the Pharmaceutical Companies and the Natural Healing Lobby. Just what is the truth and where is the evidence?
The Federal Drug Association (FDA) say that they always demand `Scientific Evidence` of an alleged cancer cure from accredited medical scientists who submit the evidence after carrying out clinical studies. Highly commendable, however can we always depend upon the veracity of the medical doctors concerned in the trials? The problem appears to be that some medical doctors may be selling their professional reputations for filthy lucre by submitting totally false `scientific Evidence` of clinical trials that have been totally fabricated. How disgraceful, putting the lives of innocent patients in jeopardy by this practice – if true?
Thousands of patients die in the USA from prescribed drugs, many used allegedly as a cancer cure, and many more thousands are injured as well, every year. The latest figures suggest that the figure is at least 83,000 per year. How can this happen considering the strict `Scientific Evidence` required before a drug can be prescribed to the people. Well consider this…
Dr Scot Reuben M.D. a Massachusets Anesthesiologist has been accused of fabricating data in studies of Pain Drugs will plead Guilty to federal criminal charges under an agreement with prosecutors. Investigation revealed that Doctor Scot Reuben had submitted at least 21 completely fabricated studies over a period of 13 years to the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. He had been paid $74,000 for the study of the pain relieving drug `Celebrex`and had received over $400,000 over the 13 year period for various favourable reports.
He has lost his job at the hospital he was employed at, ordered to pay most of the total amount of money back and can expect up to 10 years in prison .
Another scandalous case concerns the GlaxoSmithkline drug company who have been covering up and indeed suppressing the evidence of the dangerous effects of their drug `Avandia` their very popular Diabetes drug. Even their own scientists reported what dangers the drug exposed the patients to, but even this was suppressed.
If these practices have been going on for many years as would appear to be the case, then which of the drug research is to be believed. I am sure that some of it may be genuine and accurate, but which is to be believed and how sure can we be of it?
Do we have an alternative cancer cure? The truth is there are hundreds of natural cancer cures from the simple Dandelion Plant, Essiac Tea, Apricot Seeds, Mercury Free Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Hemp Oil, Asparagus, and so very many more natural and cheap cancer cures that are alleged to have cured cancer. The problem seems to be that the FDA will not accept this evidence because they say `That it is not scientific evidence` and that a patient may not be the best person to say that he has had his cancer cured. How preposterous!
If you would like to more about you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from ever becoming prey to this cancer scourge, please see:
The Federal Drug Association (FDA) say that they always demand `Scientific Evidence` of an alleged cancer cure from accredited medical scientists who submit the evidence after carrying out clinical studies. Highly commendable, however can we always depend upon the veracity of the medical doctors concerned in the trials? The problem appears to be that some medical doctors may be selling their professional reputations for filthy lucre by submitting totally false `scientific Evidence` of clinical trials that have been totally fabricated. How disgraceful, putting the lives of innocent patients in jeopardy by this practice – if true?
Thousands of patients die in the USA from prescribed drugs, many used allegedly as a cancer cure, and many more thousands are injured as well, every year. The latest figures suggest that the figure is at least 83,000 per year. How can this happen considering the strict `Scientific Evidence` required before a drug can be prescribed to the people. Well consider this…
Dr Scot Reuben M.D. a Massachusets Anesthesiologist has been accused of fabricating data in studies of Pain Drugs will plead Guilty to federal criminal charges under an agreement with prosecutors. Investigation revealed that Doctor Scot Reuben had submitted at least 21 completely fabricated studies over a period of 13 years to the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. He had been paid $74,000 for the study of the pain relieving drug `Celebrex`and had received over $400,000 over the 13 year period for various favourable reports.
He has lost his job at the hospital he was employed at, ordered to pay most of the total amount of money back and can expect up to 10 years in prison .
Another scandalous case concerns the GlaxoSmithkline drug company who have been covering up and indeed suppressing the evidence of the dangerous effects of their drug `Avandia` their very popular Diabetes drug. Even their own scientists reported what dangers the drug exposed the patients to, but even this was suppressed.
If these practices have been going on for many years as would appear to be the case, then which of the drug research is to be believed. I am sure that some of it may be genuine and accurate, but which is to be believed and how sure can we be of it?
Do we have an alternative cancer cure? The truth is there are hundreds of natural cancer cures from the simple Dandelion Plant, Essiac Tea, Apricot Seeds, Mercury Free Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Hemp Oil, Asparagus, and so very many more natural and cheap cancer cures that are alleged to have cured cancer. The problem seems to be that the FDA will not accept this evidence because they say `That it is not scientific evidence` and that a patient may not be the best person to say that he has had his cancer cured. How preposterous!
If you would like to more about you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from ever becoming prey to this cancer scourge, please see: