Texas Hunting and Fishing Regulations
- Texas has rich natural resources for fishing and hunting.fishing image by BengLim from Fotolia.com
Texas provides an enormous amount of natural resources for recreational opportunities. Anglers and hunters enjoy the vast fishing and hunting grounds the state provides. However, regulations must be followed to help preserve and protect the Lone Star State's wildlife. - All hunters must obtain a state-issued hunting license for hunting any animal, bird, frog or turtle in Texas. A driver's license or a state ID card is required at all times while hunting or trapping game. An exception is that a hunting license is not needed for hunting nuisance or fur-bearing animals such as feral hogs or coyotes. Types of primary hunting licenses include resident hunting, senior resident hunting, combination fishing and hunting license, lifetime resident combination fishing and hunting and non-resident licenses. All hunters must observe possession limits of all wildlife resources.
- Game animals that are classified in Texas are white-tailed deer, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, gray or cat squirrel, red or fox squirrel and collared peccary or javelina. Game birds available for hunting includes all wild varieties of: bobwhite quail, chachalaca, gambel's quail, all species of migratory game birds, pheasants, scaled quail (blue) and turkey. Additionally, alligators may be taken with a limit of one alligator per hunter per license year.
- Anglers 17 years of age and older must have a valid fishing license with a freshwater or saltwater stamp endorsement to fish in Texas. A fishing license or stamp is not required on free fishing days, observed each year on the first Saturday of June. A fishing license or stamp is also not required if fishing from the bank within a state park. Types of fishing licenses include license year fishing package for residents and non-residents and senior residents. Types of license packages include freshwater package, saltwater package and all-water package. A combination fishing and hunting license package is also available. Residents may also buy lifetime hunting and fishing licenses.
- Major sport fish found in Texas include all types of bass, catfish, bullheads, crappie, sunfishes, walleye and trout. Anglers must abide by all fishing length and bag limits of each fish.
Hunting regulations
Game species
Fishing regulations
Fish species