Why Your Weight-Loss Program Isn"t Working For You!
Why isn't your weight loss strategy giving you the results that you were promised by the latest weight loss guru?Many, many people have experimented with one (or more) weight loss strategies that have either not been effective or that have been only effective in the short run; weight lost becomes weight regained just a few weeks or months later.
The truth is, losing weight is not something that just comes easy.
Why would it be? It seems that everywhere on the internet there are ads about magical cures, pills, creams, and everything else you could imagine.
If all of this really worked, there probably wouldn't be anybody left with a weight problem! The fact is, for the vast majority of us, these easy weight loss "solutions" just don't work! Diet Pills There are any number of diet pills out on the market these days.
While they are being marketed as miracle-workers by their producers, you might ask yourself, why don't doctors recommend them more? This is because these weight loss "solutions" are not solutions at all.
We cannot expect some mystery pill to do the work for us when we are not willing to do the work ourselves.
Some can supplement weight loss, but be careful when you hear extravagant claims about their results.
Trendy Diets Dieting, on the whole, isn't and never will be an effective solution for most people to the weight loss solution by itself.
This is because many of the "trendy" diet programs out there are simply not practical, and while some may experience temporary weight loss while they are on it, they gain the weight back once they leave the diet.
These diets are very difficult to maintain for the average person for even a short period of time, and much less a lifetime.
Exotic Cures Maybe the biggest hoax of all is the promise of the new miracle weight loss programs from Asia, India, or other exotic and distant places.
Marketers simply use the element of mystery to intrigue overly anxious persons to experiment (and fail).
I have read about a lot of solutions to the weight problem, but the only thing that I have seen work consistently is a change of attitude and lifestyle.
Of course, this doesn't have to be something major and universe-altering! For instance, check out these simple (yet effective) tips that can really make a difference 1.
Plan out your meals instead of eating "what's around.
"By planning out your meals, you have more control over what you eat and are less likely to eat food that will ultimately keep you from losing weight.
Park farther away from work and get more walking in daily.
Look at food labels when in the grocery store.
Lower calorie alternatives that you still enjoy are always available.
Get someone else to commit to living healthier with you.
Competition and support goes a long ways.
Avoid eating overly large meals.
Instead of eating till you can't eat anymore, eat until you are just satisfied.
Eat again only when you are hungry.
Don't eat just to eat or for entertainment.
Obviously, these are small changes.
However, small changes backed by commitment and hard work pay huge dividends.
The truth is, losing weight is not something that just comes easy.
Why would it be? It seems that everywhere on the internet there are ads about magical cures, pills, creams, and everything else you could imagine.
If all of this really worked, there probably wouldn't be anybody left with a weight problem! The fact is, for the vast majority of us, these easy weight loss "solutions" just don't work! Diet Pills There are any number of diet pills out on the market these days.
While they are being marketed as miracle-workers by their producers, you might ask yourself, why don't doctors recommend them more? This is because these weight loss "solutions" are not solutions at all.
We cannot expect some mystery pill to do the work for us when we are not willing to do the work ourselves.
Some can supplement weight loss, but be careful when you hear extravagant claims about their results.
Trendy Diets Dieting, on the whole, isn't and never will be an effective solution for most people to the weight loss solution by itself.
This is because many of the "trendy" diet programs out there are simply not practical, and while some may experience temporary weight loss while they are on it, they gain the weight back once they leave the diet.
These diets are very difficult to maintain for the average person for even a short period of time, and much less a lifetime.
Exotic Cures Maybe the biggest hoax of all is the promise of the new miracle weight loss programs from Asia, India, or other exotic and distant places.
Marketers simply use the element of mystery to intrigue overly anxious persons to experiment (and fail).
I have read about a lot of solutions to the weight problem, but the only thing that I have seen work consistently is a change of attitude and lifestyle.
Of course, this doesn't have to be something major and universe-altering! For instance, check out these simple (yet effective) tips that can really make a difference 1.
Plan out your meals instead of eating "what's around.
"By planning out your meals, you have more control over what you eat and are less likely to eat food that will ultimately keep you from losing weight.
Park farther away from work and get more walking in daily.
Look at food labels when in the grocery store.
Lower calorie alternatives that you still enjoy are always available.
Get someone else to commit to living healthier with you.
Competition and support goes a long ways.
Avoid eating overly large meals.
Instead of eating till you can't eat anymore, eat until you are just satisfied.
Eat again only when you are hungry.
Don't eat just to eat or for entertainment.
Obviously, these are small changes.
However, small changes backed by commitment and hard work pay huge dividends.