Traditional Marketing In A Non-Traditional Age
Technology is moving faster than most of us can keep up with.
Marketers, small business owners, and independent contractors are all trying to stay ahead of the curve of the latest gadget or social media tool that can bring their products to a new audience of consumers.
It's clear we need to find a balance between traditional marketing and a highly technical environment.
The most important rule of marketing is to bring your products and your message to your target audience and beyond in a way that reflects your personal voice and your business model.
No matter how you choose to market your business, pretending you're a bigger company than you are, or formulating marketing messages that are unlike who you are personally will never work.
More than ever (and whether you like it or not), social media makes us all transparent, and consumers will see through your feeble attempts and alienate you accordingly.
Rather, use these new tools in social media, networking, and technology to let people in on who you are and what your company stands for and what it doesn't.
This can allow your business message and product to reach a larger audience.
If social media, tablets, and mobile applications intimidate you, talk with a professional about integrating your brand message into new forms of technology.
Remember to find a balance.
Align new technology with your existing business model and products in order to expand your reach and increase revenue, but don't get caught up in the hype and feel you need to completely change your brand.
Social media and technology is changing how we reach new clients, but it's not changing the core of how we do business, what we stand for or who we are.
Marketers, small business owners, and independent contractors are all trying to stay ahead of the curve of the latest gadget or social media tool that can bring their products to a new audience of consumers.
It's clear we need to find a balance between traditional marketing and a highly technical environment.
The most important rule of marketing is to bring your products and your message to your target audience and beyond in a way that reflects your personal voice and your business model.
No matter how you choose to market your business, pretending you're a bigger company than you are, or formulating marketing messages that are unlike who you are personally will never work.
More than ever (and whether you like it or not), social media makes us all transparent, and consumers will see through your feeble attempts and alienate you accordingly.
Rather, use these new tools in social media, networking, and technology to let people in on who you are and what your company stands for and what it doesn't.
This can allow your business message and product to reach a larger audience.
If social media, tablets, and mobile applications intimidate you, talk with a professional about integrating your brand message into new forms of technology.
Remember to find a balance.
Align new technology with your existing business model and products in order to expand your reach and increase revenue, but don't get caught up in the hype and feel you need to completely change your brand.
Social media and technology is changing how we reach new clients, but it's not changing the core of how we do business, what we stand for or who we are.