Fathers Winning Child Custody is Not Uncommon Anymore
For years, the thought of fathers winning child custody was unheard of.
After all, it's a woman's court right? Well not anymore.
This is the 21st century and more and more fathers are winning child custody battles in court.
I won custody of my daughter 8 years ago and I'm sure with a little help you can win custody of your child too.
Three of my close friends (all men) have custody of their children and as I mentioned earlier I also have custody of my daughter.
So when we're at social gatherings together (usually less than 20 or so people are there) at least 4 men in the room have custody won custody of their children in the courts.
I'm writing this to encourage you and let you know that there is hope for you as well.
But there are some things you'll have to do if you want to win custody of your child.
If you haven't started already, then start keeping a journal about what's going on with you, your wife and children.
Log every phone call you had with your wife and what was spoken, every interaction and outing you go on with your child.
If your wife started and argument and called you foul names, then put it in this journal.
It's basically like keeping a diary.
Before you go to sleep at night write down what happened that day.
In court you won't remember all the details of your life and this journal will help.
Get affidavits from your friends, co-workers and church family.
These affidavits should be true statements about you and your character.
When I went to court I have over 40 affidavits from friends and family members.
What somebody else says about you is 1,000 times more powerful than what you say about yourself.
I don't want to push religion on your now.
However, it would be a good idea to attend church services on a regular basis.
This will not only help you cope with this difficult time in life, it'll also show the judge that you are a spiritual person.
Remember, when you testify under oath you still put your hand on a Bible and swear to tell the whole truth so help you God.
So going to church now would be a really good idea.
And do not argue in front of your child under any circumstances.
That'll just hurt your child.
Trust me, your child does not want to hear mommy and daddy calling themselves bad names.
I won full custody of my daughter 8 years ago and I'm sure you can too if you play your cards right.
Good luck.
I'm cheering for you.
After all, it's a woman's court right? Well not anymore.
This is the 21st century and more and more fathers are winning child custody battles in court.
I won custody of my daughter 8 years ago and I'm sure with a little help you can win custody of your child too.
Three of my close friends (all men) have custody of their children and as I mentioned earlier I also have custody of my daughter.
So when we're at social gatherings together (usually less than 20 or so people are there) at least 4 men in the room have custody won custody of their children in the courts.
I'm writing this to encourage you and let you know that there is hope for you as well.
But there are some things you'll have to do if you want to win custody of your child.
If you haven't started already, then start keeping a journal about what's going on with you, your wife and children.
Log every phone call you had with your wife and what was spoken, every interaction and outing you go on with your child.
If your wife started and argument and called you foul names, then put it in this journal.
It's basically like keeping a diary.
Before you go to sleep at night write down what happened that day.
In court you won't remember all the details of your life and this journal will help.
Get affidavits from your friends, co-workers and church family.
These affidavits should be true statements about you and your character.
When I went to court I have over 40 affidavits from friends and family members.
What somebody else says about you is 1,000 times more powerful than what you say about yourself.
I don't want to push religion on your now.
However, it would be a good idea to attend church services on a regular basis.
This will not only help you cope with this difficult time in life, it'll also show the judge that you are a spiritual person.
Remember, when you testify under oath you still put your hand on a Bible and swear to tell the whole truth so help you God.
So going to church now would be a really good idea.
And do not argue in front of your child under any circumstances.
That'll just hurt your child.
Trust me, your child does not want to hear mommy and daddy calling themselves bad names.
I won full custody of my daughter 8 years ago and I'm sure you can too if you play your cards right.
Good luck.
I'm cheering for you.