Benefits of Indoor Plants
- One of the best finishing touches to any decorating project or room design is the addition of one or more indoor house plants. There are many different plants that can grow under typical indoor conditions, while others may require a grow light, humidifier or other special treatment. In all cases, indoor plants provide several benefits.
- Perhaps the most obvious benefit of indoor plants is their decorative value. Plants are often beautiful additions to a room and can help create a sense of comfort. Plants are especially useful at breaking up the monotony of a sparsely furnished home or an office where reminders of nature may be rare. Interior decorators may choose plants of a specific color to complement the color scheme of a room or add a secondary accent color. Designers may also arrange these plants in decorative planters.
- Indoor plants also have a measurable health benefit for people who come in contact with them. Through the natural plant processes of photosynthesis and transpiration, plants add oxygen to the air and also add humidity. They filter the air by removing carbon dioxide and other toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Indoor plants also help filter the pollutants from a fireplace or furnace, and may even improve the smell of the air, even if they are not fragrant plants.
- Finally, indoor plants have been shown to have a psychological benefit. A study conducted by "LiveScience" magazine concluded that people who had plants in their homes experienced fewer headaches and less stress. Plants have also been known to contribute to lower blood pressure. In a work environment, employers have noted an increase in productivity and creativity when plants are introduced to the office space.
Aesthetic Benefit
Health Benefit
Psychological Benefit