How to Move Freshwater Fish
- 1). Stop feeding your fish 48 hours before moving day. The reason for doing so is to clear out the fishes' digestive tracts so they do not pollute the water in the smaller containers used for transport. Too much contamination from waste will deplete the oxygen levels in the water, thereby suffocating the fish.
- 2). Select a Styrofoam cooler large enough to hold all your fish when placed in the zipper-seal bags. Plan on placing all bags on the floor of the cooler, rather than stacking them. Make sure the floor space of the cooler is large enough.
- 3). Purchase some zipper-seal bags from your local pet store or fish aquarium supplier. On moving day, use a clean pan to fill the bags with enough water to submerge the fish when you place the bag in the cooler. Ideally, you want to place one fish or two fish per bag. Make sure you seal the bag with air in it. If you have multiple schools of fish, do not mix the schools. Keep the species separate from one another.
- 4). Remove the remaining water in the aquarium by packing it into the rest of your zipper-seal bags, leaving a couple inches of water in the bottom of the aquarium. Leave everything else in place including filters, gravel and ornaments, so you can reintroduce your fish to a familiar environment and retain a healthy dose of bacteria. Transport the aquarium as is.
- 5). Scoop out the remaining water in your aquarium upon arrival at your new home and immediately pour the bags of water without the fish into your aquarium and run the filter for two hours. Place the each bag with fish on top of the water and let them float for about 10 minutes before opening the bag and letting the fish swim into the aquarium. Introduce new tap water to top off the aquarium over a period of a few days.