How to Obtain a License for an Adult Foster Care Home in Michigan
- 1). Download an "Adult Foster Care Family Home Application" from the Michigan Department of Human Services.
- 2). Complete your portion of the "Medical Clearance Request" form. Take the form to your doctor, and have him fill out the physician's portion of the document.
- 3). Request a Tuberculosis test from your physician. Return to the physician in two to three days to have the test read, and have him fill out the TB portion of the "Medical Clearance Request Form."
- 4). Develop "House Rules" prior to submitting your application, if you desire to have rules for your foster home. All "House Rules" must be approved by your licensing consultant.
- 5). Develop an "Evacuation Plan" that establishes a set course of action for such emergencies as severe weather conditions, fire or medical emergencies.
- 6). Fill out an "AFC Licensing Record Clearance Request." Submit the form to the "Department of Human Services Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing" central office. This is a background check and is required for all potential service providers.
- 7). Complete and submit your application with your processing $65 fee. Allow six to 12 months' processing time.