The Conscious Incarnation Of The Divine One
The heart is supremely attractive - the most attractive motion in existence.
Who "you" are is precisely this same attractive heart of existence and you are never not - and nor can you ever not be - who "you" are.
The only thing that you are currently caught up in being lost in, at present, is your attempt to try and be what "you" are flowing through, instead of being the "you" that is already true of you.
All that is required of you is to stop trying to be what you are flowing through and to come back to being at rest in and as this "you" that is already right here and flowing through this mindbody that you need no longer try and be.
Yes, it is really as simple as that.
Nothing more is required of you - you need not do a thing about changing the mindbody, you need not do a thing about changing the mind, you need not do a thing about preparing the way for the divine to enter - everything is already in place now for you to consciously be this very divine one, the heart of existence itself, that is true of you.
The preparing for the way of the lord has already been accomplished.
That particular function is already finished, that job is done, the seed that has been dormant for the duration of humanity's history, to date, is no longer dormant.
The dormant seed prevented humanity evolving into its next phase of evolution before its time - which is one of the transcendence of the mind that currently imprisons you from not seeing and being who "you" are.
This message is part of this evolution.
When the message of clarity first dawns there are very few takers - that is just how it is.
The message is still required though as it can inspire you on to the greater journey that is waiting for you - once you begin to get on with the leaving alone of an activity that has you trying to be something that is notyou.
The mapping of this stage of its unfoldment is also required for 'future time' when folk will be drawn to the surrendering of the blindness of their belief in their current mind activities that cloud you from seeing just who "you" are.
Now, all of this is for the continuation of the conscious incarnation of the divine one - which is this "you" of you that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you keep on mistaking to be you - into this level of its manifestation.
You of course, think it is all about what you can get for your separate self, what you can have for your isolated self, what you can gain for the you that you think that you are.
This is understandable - it is what you have done forever and the day.
Understanding who "you" are is what will have you waking up to the notyou-ness that you have been for so long involved with thinking to be you.
The sacrifice of incarnation into the physical level of manifestation has been paid for.
That which was dormant is no longer dormant.
You are now quite capable of finding "you" - if you so wish - and learning to move from this "you" that you already are while the dance of life continues to dance this mindbody that you find your self flowing through.
Who "you" are is precisely this same attractive heart of existence and you are never not - and nor can you ever not be - who "you" are.
The only thing that you are currently caught up in being lost in, at present, is your attempt to try and be what "you" are flowing through, instead of being the "you" that is already true of you.
All that is required of you is to stop trying to be what you are flowing through and to come back to being at rest in and as this "you" that is already right here and flowing through this mindbody that you need no longer try and be.
Yes, it is really as simple as that.
Nothing more is required of you - you need not do a thing about changing the mindbody, you need not do a thing about changing the mind, you need not do a thing about preparing the way for the divine to enter - everything is already in place now for you to consciously be this very divine one, the heart of existence itself, that is true of you.
The preparing for the way of the lord has already been accomplished.
That particular function is already finished, that job is done, the seed that has been dormant for the duration of humanity's history, to date, is no longer dormant.
The dormant seed prevented humanity evolving into its next phase of evolution before its time - which is one of the transcendence of the mind that currently imprisons you from not seeing and being who "you" are.
This message is part of this evolution.
When the message of clarity first dawns there are very few takers - that is just how it is.
The message is still required though as it can inspire you on to the greater journey that is waiting for you - once you begin to get on with the leaving alone of an activity that has you trying to be something that is notyou.
The mapping of this stage of its unfoldment is also required for 'future time' when folk will be drawn to the surrendering of the blindness of their belief in their current mind activities that cloud you from seeing just who "you" are.
Now, all of this is for the continuation of the conscious incarnation of the divine one - which is this "you" of you that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you keep on mistaking to be you - into this level of its manifestation.
You of course, think it is all about what you can get for your separate self, what you can have for your isolated self, what you can gain for the you that you think that you are.
This is understandable - it is what you have done forever and the day.
Understanding who "you" are is what will have you waking up to the notyou-ness that you have been for so long involved with thinking to be you.
The sacrifice of incarnation into the physical level of manifestation has been paid for.
That which was dormant is no longer dormant.
You are now quite capable of finding "you" - if you so wish - and learning to move from this "you" that you already are while the dance of life continues to dance this mindbody that you find your self flowing through.