Computer Gadget Gifts
- Computer gadgets can add fun to the average for work image by lidia_smile from
When you decide to give someone a computer gadget, you will need to make a few decisions, such as how much money to spend and what type of gift to give. You can give a fun gadget such as a USB Butt Cooler Cushion or a helpful gadget such as a USB Air Purifier. Most importantly, base your gift-giving decision upon the item that will make its recipient the happiest. - Several 3-D movies have been released, but you don't have to buy one to get 3-D effects. Kids and adults will both enjoy broadcasting and receiving photos and video in 3-D while using the Minoru 3-D webcam, which connects to the computer through the USB port. The webcam comes with five pairs of 3-D glasses and can be used with programs like Skype, Microsoft Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger. It can also be used in 2-D when 3-D glasses are unavailable. Purchase the Minoru 3-D webcam from $59.99 to $89.99---as of 2010.
- Give the unorganized person who constantly is looking for CDs and DVDs the USB Storage Carousel. Companies such as Dacal and Ziotek sell carousels capable of storing up to 150 disks. Plug it into your computer with an USB, download the software and scan CD and DVD covers. Disks are easily found by searching the carousel's library. A storage carousel ranges in price from $119.99 to $149.
- There are a multitude of memory stick styles and designs on the market, but few are more convenient than the USB memory watch. With it, you can show business men and college students you understand the importance of their storing and saving their work. A USB cable is built into the side of the 2 GB to 8 GB watch, which comes with a black or metal band. The watches begin selling for $19.99.
- Give the person who works in an office and has everything a USB rocket launcher to occupy her down time. Advise her to not use the rocket during working hours while explaining how to use the launcher. All she needs to do is plug the USB cable into her computer, download the software and begin aiming her launcher with the arrow keys. It comes with the option to fire with or without sound effects and sells for around $20 to $25.
3-D Webcam
USB Storage Carousel
USB Watch
USB Rocket Launcher