Posture-Improving Exercises
- Having a good posture means having good core strength. Core strength can be defined as abdominal and trunk muscles being balanced and in alignment, thus allowing smooth integration of all the muscles involved in the various movements and positions we do.The surface and subsurface muscles are core muscles. The pelvic floor muscles, the psoas muscles (very important in keeping us upright and in hip bending), the transversospinalis muscles along the spine, the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles and the diaphram all make up our core muscles.
- Pilate exercises give us good core strength. They give attention to how muscles are aligned, especially when we use our body in responding to varying demands. Doing exercises that involve both abdominal and lower trunk muscles are necessary as all core muscles must be involved in order to have them work together in an integrated way.The spine and pelvis will strengthen and support the natural curves of the spine. Pilates helps the body learn to activate and release the core muscles to act in a coherent or integrated way.
- Crunches are great. Lie on your back with your knees up and feet on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head and lift your head up. Make sure your hands are not doing the lifting. Keep your belly sucked in as you crunch in order to work your abdominal core. Keep your eyes on the ceiling and your chin lifted so you don't put strain on your neck. The bicycle is another good exercise. Lie back on your elbows and pump your legs back and forth in alternate positions (not together). Keep your belly sucked in - pushing out does nothing for your core. Now lie on your back. Raise your legs upright into the air, keeping them together. Clasp your hands and put them on your chest. Now lift your buttocks off the mat just a half inch or inch. Of course you'll come immediately down, but take a breath and then repeat several times. Make sure you are lifting from your tight abdominals and hip, not letting your feet do the work. Another good exercise, for the obliques, is performed by lying down and turning your knees to one side. Clasp your hands behind your head. Now lift your head (ever so slightly) in the direction opposite your legs. Yes, this is an oblique crunch. Repeat several times, then switch and do the other side. Last, work your legs and lower trunk by lying on your back; lift your legs and make a "V" and then bring your legs together. Repeat many times. These exercises are basic but not easy at first. Do not give up! In one month, your body will begin feeling much improved as well as your sense of inner well being.
The Secret of Good Posture
What Gives Us Good Core Strength
Good Exercies to Get You Started