Ways to Help Church Attendance
- A Christian Research Association report suggests that one of the main reasons that church attendance in developed countries is declining is because of a lack of advertisement. Because America is a Judeo-Christian nation that was originally founded on Biblical principles, churches have slowly slid into the background. They have largely become an easy-to-forget hum in the background of society. Churches need to advertise to the general public in order to remind people of their existence. Don't assume that people know about your church; approach them as if your church is brand new.
- The same Christian Research Association report also shows that some people don't go to church because others feel that the church is overcritical of moral issues. Although churches should in no way compromise their beliefs, it is important to remember to hate the sin, love the sinner. Create a positive atmosphere in the church that is open to dialogue and questions. You don't need to change your doctrine to do this; simply allow others to speak their mind and share their thoughts and opinions.
- Although advertising your church is certainly important, it is generally true that actions speak louder than words. Show the community that you love them by planning local outreach opportunities. Have a church picnic that is open to the general public or create a community center where local youth can gather. Although these might appear like inconsequential good deeds, they show the community that your church truly cares about the needs of the public.
- Churches need tithes and offerings to properly function, but don't ask for money from people new to the congregation. People can oftentimes feel obliged to give monetarily when they enter a weekly service. When you send around the ushers to collect the offering, make it very clear that this is a practice done by the members of the church and not by visitors. Although it's certainly tempting to collect offerings from everyone, this can be a huge turn-off for visitors and people new to the church. Make sure you let visitors know that you want them, not their money.
Create a Positive Atmosphere
Love the Community
Discourage Newcomers From Tithing