Once Again We Made a Trip to the Emergency Dental Clinic
I never imagined that within one week I would have need for Emergency Dental services more than once! First it was my husband's turn. He and his brothers were playing a friendly game of football. My husband got tackled and managed to plant his face hard enough in the ground that he knocked out both his front teeth. It was well past normal business hours for a typical dentist office and I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't think that our regular dentist did any emergency dental care.
I decided to try a Google search for "Emergency Dental Services." That gave me way too many results so I tried both "Emergency Dental Draper" and "Emergency Dental Sandy" since that is the area we live in. We were able to contact a dentist that was on call. He directed us to put my husband's teeth back in their sockets if it was not too painful. Unfortunately, there was a lot of trauma to my husband's mouth and that was excruciating. We settled on putting them in a glass of milk. He met us at the Emergency Dental Clinic within a half hour. I was never so thankful to have an emergency dentist that could help us with such a big problem with such short notice.
It turned out that this particular Emergency Dental service specialized in all types of dentistry which was a good thing. The trauma to my husband's mouth was significant enough that they had to do an emergency repair to his mouth. Then they had to put in two implants for his front teeth instead of using his own teeth. I am so glad they cared enough about his oral health that they got it right the first time. His smile looks back to normal and he is handsome as ever!
Two days after the excitement with my husband started, my son, who is just seven years old had an accident on his scooter. We live in a cul-de-sac and he was going around and around the cul-de-sac sidewalk as fast as he could one day. As he came around a bend he had been around several times before the wheel of the scooter hit a bump in the cement in just the wrong way and his scooter stopped while he kept on going. His mouth hit the handle bar of the scooter and talk about an Emergency Dental situation!
I already had the contact information from my previous search for "Emergency Dental Draper" and "Emergency Dental Sandy." Needless to day the dentist was a bit surprised to be hearing from me again so soon. My son's mouth was bleeding quite profusely. The teeth had not been knocked out but his gum was quite damaged. The spot where the gum was hurt still held some permanent teeth and I was afraid that he had damaged those teeth.
Once again we made a trip to the Emergency Dental clinic. The dentist took x-rays to see how things looked up in my son's gums. This dentist is good at the art of dentistry! He said this situation was definitely an emergency and it was a good thing we called. My son only ended up needing a couple of stitches in his gums and we kept an eye on the teeth below the injury for a few days but everything turned out in the end.
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I decided to try a Google search for "Emergency Dental Services." That gave me way too many results so I tried both "Emergency Dental Draper" and "Emergency Dental Sandy" since that is the area we live in. We were able to contact a dentist that was on call. He directed us to put my husband's teeth back in their sockets if it was not too painful. Unfortunately, there was a lot of trauma to my husband's mouth and that was excruciating. We settled on putting them in a glass of milk. He met us at the Emergency Dental Clinic within a half hour. I was never so thankful to have an emergency dentist that could help us with such a big problem with such short notice.
It turned out that this particular Emergency Dental service specialized in all types of dentistry which was a good thing. The trauma to my husband's mouth was significant enough that they had to do an emergency repair to his mouth. Then they had to put in two implants for his front teeth instead of using his own teeth. I am so glad they cared enough about his oral health that they got it right the first time. His smile looks back to normal and he is handsome as ever!
Two days after the excitement with my husband started, my son, who is just seven years old had an accident on his scooter. We live in a cul-de-sac and he was going around and around the cul-de-sac sidewalk as fast as he could one day. As he came around a bend he had been around several times before the wheel of the scooter hit a bump in the cement in just the wrong way and his scooter stopped while he kept on going. His mouth hit the handle bar of the scooter and talk about an Emergency Dental situation!
I already had the contact information from my previous search for "Emergency Dental Draper" and "Emergency Dental Sandy." Needless to day the dentist was a bit surprised to be hearing from me again so soon. My son's mouth was bleeding quite profusely. The teeth had not been knocked out but his gum was quite damaged. The spot where the gum was hurt still held some permanent teeth and I was afraid that he had damaged those teeth.
Once again we made a trip to the Emergency Dental clinic. The dentist took x-rays to see how things looked up in my son's gums. This dentist is good at the art of dentistry! He said this situation was definitely an emergency and it was a good thing we called. My son only ended up needing a couple of stitches in his gums and we kept an eye on the teeth below the injury for a few days but everything turned out in the end.
CopyCrypto: 6a158504002d9dbe01b91eba0adabee0