Study Skills Guide For Students
Have you read about some standard memorization techniques? (Can you even remember those memory techniques?) Here are a couple of studies habits that help you retain information— and recall it when you need it. The information sticks! These study techniques also help you improve your overall memory function.
First, Timing is everything.
Choosing the right timing will be the first step to improving your grades. Believe it! It turns out that your memory is geared to work better by using certain intervals of study and rest. Once you understand this timing—and use it--you'll put your brain in the best position to learn. Super memory, here you come!
Here's the deal. If you follow the time table below, success will follow: · Review a small chunk of your test information . Don't tackle more than a page or two, and don't review for more than half an hour—even if you're tempted. · Take a break, but come back to the task in five minutes. · Review for another half an hour. · Take another break. · Come back to studying an hour later. Yes, rest that brain for an hour. · Come back to the information after an hour and review it for 15 minutes. · Repeat the 15 minute review for the next 24 hours.
Congratulations! When you use this routine, you make a transformation. Your short term memory has become long term memory! Your reward will be better grades.
Second, Tell Yourself a Story
Oh, you know how boring it is to memorize lists! You feel sleepy even though it's the middle of the day. Surely there's a better way.
There is! If you turn the information into a story, things change. This study technique helps you stay awake and interested in the information. It helps you get better grades because it's easier to recall the information during the actual test.
Here's an example. Say you've got a list of vocabulary words. Instead of staring at those words until you zone out, try using the words to make up a story. Write the story down. Use the words appropriately, with their meanings. Don't worry if the story seems silly or doesn't make a lot of sense. It will take some work, and you'll laugh because the story will probably be goofy.
But guess what? Come exam time, you'll be surprised how well you remember the words' meaning and spelling. This is a study tip that works on your memory and pays off with better grades.
First, Timing is everything.
Choosing the right timing will be the first step to improving your grades. Believe it! It turns out that your memory is geared to work better by using certain intervals of study and rest. Once you understand this timing—and use it--you'll put your brain in the best position to learn. Super memory, here you come!
Here's the deal. If you follow the time table below, success will follow: · Review a small chunk of your test information . Don't tackle more than a page or two, and don't review for more than half an hour—even if you're tempted. · Take a break, but come back to the task in five minutes. · Review for another half an hour. · Take another break. · Come back to studying an hour later. Yes, rest that brain for an hour. · Come back to the information after an hour and review it for 15 minutes. · Repeat the 15 minute review for the next 24 hours.
Congratulations! When you use this routine, you make a transformation. Your short term memory has become long term memory! Your reward will be better grades.
Second, Tell Yourself a Story
Oh, you know how boring it is to memorize lists! You feel sleepy even though it's the middle of the day. Surely there's a better way.
There is! If you turn the information into a story, things change. This study technique helps you stay awake and interested in the information. It helps you get better grades because it's easier to recall the information during the actual test.
Here's an example. Say you've got a list of vocabulary words. Instead of staring at those words until you zone out, try using the words to make up a story. Write the story down. Use the words appropriately, with their meanings. Don't worry if the story seems silly or doesn't make a lot of sense. It will take some work, and you'll laugh because the story will probably be goofy.
But guess what? Come exam time, you'll be surprised how well you remember the words' meaning and spelling. This is a study tip that works on your memory and pays off with better grades.