Holiday Stress - Are You Suffering From It: Part 1
Holidays are meant to be fun, thrilling, enjoyable and something that you would look forward to.
It's meant to be a time to relax, get together and time to catch up with friends and families.
It's a time for you to take a break from your routine work.
However, sad to say, not everyone would feel the same and holidays can be a period where some people will dread its arrival, hoping that they would never have to go through it at all.
These people are suffering from what we called "Holiday Stress".
What exactly is holiday stress and what are the leading causes of this stress? Holiday stress is a result of anxiety in a heightened state.
This anxiety may be caused by financial instability, busy shopping schedules, high workload, relationship, physical demands or family stress.
As you are aware, holidays usually come with lots of preparations to make.
There's the cleaning and decorating to do, friends and relative to invite, food menus to plan, gifts to buy and wrap, children to take care of etc.
As such, apart from of all the fun and enjoyment that we may be expecting, holidays can be also be a particularly stressful time for us as well.
Wondering if you are suffering from holiday stress? Here is a stress questionnaire that will help you find out.
Simply answer "yes" or "no" to these questions: 1.
Do you feel exhausted such that the holiday gathering don't even sounds like much fun to you? 2.
Do you worry that your holiday plans will not be good enough for your guests? 3.
Do you feel that you are the only one doing all the preparation and planning, and everyone and everything seems to be dependent on you? 4.
Do you find difficulty in enjoying the spirit of the holiday season? 5.
Are you getting more forgetful, discombobulated, resentful and irritable during the holiday seasons? 6.
Are you secretly wishing that it would be all over soon and that you can get on with your routine life? If you are answering "yes" to 2 or more of the above questions in the list, then, you may very well be suffering from holiday stress! If that's so, it's time to take some actions in coping with holiday stress before it overwhelms you.
Be sure to read Part 2 of this article which provide you with Tips For Stress Relief For The Holidays.
It's meant to be a time to relax, get together and time to catch up with friends and families.
It's a time for you to take a break from your routine work.
However, sad to say, not everyone would feel the same and holidays can be a period where some people will dread its arrival, hoping that they would never have to go through it at all.
These people are suffering from what we called "Holiday Stress".
What exactly is holiday stress and what are the leading causes of this stress? Holiday stress is a result of anxiety in a heightened state.
This anxiety may be caused by financial instability, busy shopping schedules, high workload, relationship, physical demands or family stress.
As you are aware, holidays usually come with lots of preparations to make.
There's the cleaning and decorating to do, friends and relative to invite, food menus to plan, gifts to buy and wrap, children to take care of etc.
As such, apart from of all the fun and enjoyment that we may be expecting, holidays can be also be a particularly stressful time for us as well.
Wondering if you are suffering from holiday stress? Here is a stress questionnaire that will help you find out.
Simply answer "yes" or "no" to these questions: 1.
Do you feel exhausted such that the holiday gathering don't even sounds like much fun to you? 2.
Do you worry that your holiday plans will not be good enough for your guests? 3.
Do you feel that you are the only one doing all the preparation and planning, and everyone and everything seems to be dependent on you? 4.
Do you find difficulty in enjoying the spirit of the holiday season? 5.
Are you getting more forgetful, discombobulated, resentful and irritable during the holiday seasons? 6.
Are you secretly wishing that it would be all over soon and that you can get on with your routine life? If you are answering "yes" to 2 or more of the above questions in the list, then, you may very well be suffering from holiday stress! If that's so, it's time to take some actions in coping with holiday stress before it overwhelms you.
Be sure to read Part 2 of this article which provide you with Tips For Stress Relief For The Holidays.