Romancing Your Way Into a Woman"s Heart
A romantic man has an advantage other men do not have: he knows what women want.
How many times have you seen a not so handsome man walk arms in arms with a gorgeous woman and wonder to yourself what does he has that I don't? Many may have a Ahhhhh! moment to justify that relationship with a simple: "He must have money".
Most likely that man compares to most us financially but he is one step above us in the romance department.
Being romantic is not spending thousands of dollars on exotic vacations, fur coats or expensive jewelry.
Being romantic is a combination of knowledge, traits, and characteristics that come together with one purpose and one purpose only: to make the other person feel as she or he was the most important person on earth.
It is not what you say...
but how you say it.
It is not a stare...
but an inquisitive look.
It is not only a smile...
but the spark in the eyes that accompany it.
Being romantic is in the details.
You can bring a beautiful bouquet of roses on St.
Valentine and she will love you for them.
On a vase they go until they die and get thrown away.
Add a silk rose to the bouquet with a card that reads: "I will love you until the last rose fades" and you give her a memory for a lifetime.
Just that simple act will transform your gift into a romantic gift.
It the detail that counts.
I travel a lot and so does my girlfriend.
We call each other from every city we visit and many time fantasize of what we would do for each other if we were together.
I make it a habit to write those things down for when we do get together.
During one of those conversations she mentioned wanting a massage with certain oils.
I can honestly say that I have no idea of oils or massages or creating a spa like environment.
No idea.
I do know that I can find all that information online, so I did.
On one occasion I got home a couple of hours before she did and I put together what I learned online about spas, massages and such.
When she got home I was ready with scent candles, heated towels and the whole nine yards.
I gave her a complete body massage and then we made love like it was the first time.
To this day she tells her girlfriends of that day.
Their response? "How romantic...
" You don't become a romantic man overnight.
The truth is that I never thought of myself as a romantic man until I realized what a powerful weapon it is when attracting woman.
There are many techniques you can learn that will help you attract women but a romantic man will have more fun using these techniques to keep the woman he already has.
How many times have you seen a not so handsome man walk arms in arms with a gorgeous woman and wonder to yourself what does he has that I don't? Many may have a Ahhhhh! moment to justify that relationship with a simple: "He must have money".
Most likely that man compares to most us financially but he is one step above us in the romance department.
Being romantic is not spending thousands of dollars on exotic vacations, fur coats or expensive jewelry.
Being romantic is a combination of knowledge, traits, and characteristics that come together with one purpose and one purpose only: to make the other person feel as she or he was the most important person on earth.
It is not what you say...
but how you say it.
It is not a stare...
but an inquisitive look.
It is not only a smile...
but the spark in the eyes that accompany it.
Being romantic is in the details.
You can bring a beautiful bouquet of roses on St.
Valentine and she will love you for them.
On a vase they go until they die and get thrown away.
Add a silk rose to the bouquet with a card that reads: "I will love you until the last rose fades" and you give her a memory for a lifetime.
Just that simple act will transform your gift into a romantic gift.
It the detail that counts.
I travel a lot and so does my girlfriend.
We call each other from every city we visit and many time fantasize of what we would do for each other if we were together.
I make it a habit to write those things down for when we do get together.
During one of those conversations she mentioned wanting a massage with certain oils.
I can honestly say that I have no idea of oils or massages or creating a spa like environment.
No idea.
I do know that I can find all that information online, so I did.
On one occasion I got home a couple of hours before she did and I put together what I learned online about spas, massages and such.
When she got home I was ready with scent candles, heated towels and the whole nine yards.
I gave her a complete body massage and then we made love like it was the first time.
To this day she tells her girlfriends of that day.
Their response? "How romantic...
" You don't become a romantic man overnight.
The truth is that I never thought of myself as a romantic man until I realized what a powerful weapon it is when attracting woman.
There are many techniques you can learn that will help you attract women but a romantic man will have more fun using these techniques to keep the woman he already has.