Professional Photography Print Displays - How to Find and Negotiate the Location
Where do you find locations that will allow you to display your professional photography? Start by making a list of everywhere your portrait customers go during their regular travels: hardware, grocery, bank, doctor, fitness center, pet store, pet grooming salon, your styling salon/ barber shop, clothing stores, etc.
Keep in mind that these are 'Family Businesses'.
That is, a person as a family member visits them.
If they saw pictures of some ones family, they would get the idea that they could use a portrait for their family.
The family portrait idea now goes home and you get a sitting.
It would be a good idea to have a card or coupon available for people to take with them after visiting the display.
Make sure your business name, web, blog and phone contact information are visible.
How do you get businesses to allow you to display your professional photography? Start at the top of your list of potential display locations and keep making presentations until you get your display.
Go in with a sincere, generous attitude of wanting to help this particular business solve one of their problems-mainly, getting recognition, attention and customer traffic.
Remember, the people in your display have all paid for the privilege of being in the display.
They will come to see these prints and bring all their family and friends.
Explain to the merchant the pride and pleasure these people will receive from this display.
Since the print display is in their store, the people in the display will remember very favorably the store that 'hosted' the display.
Remember, the person who has the authority to let you display your photography work is really interested in what this display will do for them and their business.
Explain that everyone featured in the display receives five invitations to send to their friends.
Let them know that you could include something from his store in the invitation.
This will get the store owner/manager to start considering the potential purchases from each family visiting the display.
It can also be used to increase traffic to the display (his store) during slower times.
You could also offer to do a "Special" display of "their" customers, maybe using a theme.
This would mean doing additional sittings, making even more $'s for you.
Focus on helping this owner/manager, not on what you will get.
If you work to help others, eventually things come full cycle and you will be rewarded.
By the time you get to the end of your list someone will have said yes to a display of your portraits in their business location.
Be certain this event is well attended, by sending five invitations per portrait.
Call your customers before they go see their pictures.
Make sure they are excited.
Have them thank the hosting merchant.
You want to be sure this merchant gets the idea that this is the best thing that has ever happened to him and his business.
Now, go see the merchant, get him to talk about how great the print display was for him and have him mention attendance, increased sales, good will in the community, newspaper publicity, etc.
Get this in his words on a video if possible.
His store can be famous on YouTube, your blog and the internet.
Now go back to the first merchant on your list who did not participate in your print display program.
Mention how you had been in before and how he was hesitant about a display.
You understood his feelings, other merchants also were hesitant.
But, fortunately someone stuck their neck out, took a chance, had some faith in you and helped you out.
Be humble.
If he could give you a minute you would like him to see how this one display helped someone just like himself-play the video.
You should from now on be up to your ears in display locations.
Keep getting video referrals, keep going through your list and adding to the list.
With several recorded interviews you will be able to choose just the right one for each presentation.
Try picking an interview that is a direct, major competitor of your current merchant.
This merchant will have to go for the plan because he has to keep up with the big guys.
As you go through your list of merchants, keep a call history card on each person on your list.
You want to remember (write it on a card) every pertinent piece of information: complete name, nickname, address, phone, title, store hours, hours they are available, date of call, description of person, hobbies, children, marital status, and anything you can find out.
If you promise to return their call, put this on the card and file in a tickler file according to the return call date.
Mark this on your calendar also.
You must work these cards and this list.
You must keep records to be successful.
It may be a pain at first but believe me, you get used to it and it will save you much embarrassment someday.
Since you now have displays all over town, people will start to ask you, "How do I get my picture in one of your displays?" You of course will talk about your display-sessions packages.
Display opportunities are coming to you now! These people need this satisfaction, the ego boost of being in a display and they will pay you for the privilege.
Your business could evolve into a publicity (display) picture business.
Wouldn't that be an interesting twist of events? Don't forget to think of media coverage of your displays, especially if they have a special theme.
Send a press release, call someone, send the release under the merchants name if it carries more weight (ask first), have the merchant make a call to someone influential they might know at the tv or radio station or newspaper.
Keep in mind that these are 'Family Businesses'.
That is, a person as a family member visits them.
If they saw pictures of some ones family, they would get the idea that they could use a portrait for their family.
The family portrait idea now goes home and you get a sitting.
It would be a good idea to have a card or coupon available for people to take with them after visiting the display.
Make sure your business name, web, blog and phone contact information are visible.
How do you get businesses to allow you to display your professional photography? Start at the top of your list of potential display locations and keep making presentations until you get your display.
Go in with a sincere, generous attitude of wanting to help this particular business solve one of their problems-mainly, getting recognition, attention and customer traffic.
Remember, the people in your display have all paid for the privilege of being in the display.
They will come to see these prints and bring all their family and friends.
Explain to the merchant the pride and pleasure these people will receive from this display.
Since the print display is in their store, the people in the display will remember very favorably the store that 'hosted' the display.
Remember, the person who has the authority to let you display your photography work is really interested in what this display will do for them and their business.
Explain that everyone featured in the display receives five invitations to send to their friends.
Let them know that you could include something from his store in the invitation.
This will get the store owner/manager to start considering the potential purchases from each family visiting the display.
It can also be used to increase traffic to the display (his store) during slower times.
You could also offer to do a "Special" display of "their" customers, maybe using a theme.
This would mean doing additional sittings, making even more $'s for you.
Focus on helping this owner/manager, not on what you will get.
If you work to help others, eventually things come full cycle and you will be rewarded.
By the time you get to the end of your list someone will have said yes to a display of your portraits in their business location.
Be certain this event is well attended, by sending five invitations per portrait.
Call your customers before they go see their pictures.
Make sure they are excited.
Have them thank the hosting merchant.
You want to be sure this merchant gets the idea that this is the best thing that has ever happened to him and his business.
Now, go see the merchant, get him to talk about how great the print display was for him and have him mention attendance, increased sales, good will in the community, newspaper publicity, etc.
Get this in his words on a video if possible.
His store can be famous on YouTube, your blog and the internet.
Now go back to the first merchant on your list who did not participate in your print display program.
Mention how you had been in before and how he was hesitant about a display.
You understood his feelings, other merchants also were hesitant.
But, fortunately someone stuck their neck out, took a chance, had some faith in you and helped you out.
Be humble.
If he could give you a minute you would like him to see how this one display helped someone just like himself-play the video.
You should from now on be up to your ears in display locations.
Keep getting video referrals, keep going through your list and adding to the list.
With several recorded interviews you will be able to choose just the right one for each presentation.
Try picking an interview that is a direct, major competitor of your current merchant.
This merchant will have to go for the plan because he has to keep up with the big guys.
As you go through your list of merchants, keep a call history card on each person on your list.
You want to remember (write it on a card) every pertinent piece of information: complete name, nickname, address, phone, title, store hours, hours they are available, date of call, description of person, hobbies, children, marital status, and anything you can find out.
If you promise to return their call, put this on the card and file in a tickler file according to the return call date.
Mark this on your calendar also.
You must work these cards and this list.
You must keep records to be successful.
It may be a pain at first but believe me, you get used to it and it will save you much embarrassment someday.
Since you now have displays all over town, people will start to ask you, "How do I get my picture in one of your displays?" You of course will talk about your display-sessions packages.
Display opportunities are coming to you now! These people need this satisfaction, the ego boost of being in a display and they will pay you for the privilege.
Your business could evolve into a publicity (display) picture business.
Wouldn't that be an interesting twist of events? Don't forget to think of media coverage of your displays, especially if they have a special theme.
Send a press release, call someone, send the release under the merchants name if it carries more weight (ask first), have the merchant make a call to someone influential they might know at the tv or radio station or newspaper.