Delayed Hyphemas After Ab Interno Trabeculectomy Surgery
Delayed Hyphemas After Ab Interno Trabeculectomy Surgery
The ab interno trabeculectomy, also commonly known as the Trabectome system, is a novel surgical approach to lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) in primary open-angle glaucoma. It is a microelectrosurgical device that removes a strip of trabecular meshwork and inner wall of the Schlemm canal to improve aqueous outflow. One of the main known complications is hyphema secondary to intraoperative blood reflux, but this typically clears within days postoperatively. We report 5 cases from multiple centers of delayed hyphemas that occurred several months after uncomplicated ab interno trabeculectomy procedures.
The ab interno trabeculectomy, also commonly known as the Trabectome system, is a novel surgical approach to lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) in primary open-angle glaucoma. It is a microelectrosurgical device that removes a strip of trabecular meshwork and inner wall of the Schlemm canal to improve aqueous outflow. One of the main known complications is hyphema secondary to intraoperative blood reflux, but this typically clears within days postoperatively. We report 5 cases from multiple centers of delayed hyphemas that occurred several months after uncomplicated ab interno trabeculectomy procedures.