How to Make My Own Fishing Pole
- 1). Cut a bamboo pole to approximately 8 feet in length with your standard hand saw. You can often find bamboo poles at your local gardening centers, "big box" home improvement stores and some home store retailers. If you have problems finding this product in your area, there are a number of dealers online that will deliver to you for a small shipping fee.
- 2). Cut a fishing line about the same length as the bamboo pole.
- 3). Tie the line tightly to one end of the pole. If you want, drill a hole in the bamboo pole and feed the line through it before tying it off.
- 4). Fasten a hook on the other end of the line and attach a cork about 12 to 24 inches up from it. Make sure that the distance between the hook and cork is short enough to keep the bait from dragging on the bottom of the lake, river or creek you plan on fishing in.
- 5). Head off to your favorite fishing hole and begin casting.