Protect Yourself With an Identity Protection Plan
We all know people who end up in a difficult situation through no fault of their own.
The breadwinner in a household suddenly passes away leaving a spouse and children under insured.
Injuries from car accidents or in someone's home leads to litigation, financial losses and a stark realization that the coverage in place was inadequate.
We guard against these kinds of things with insurance and common sense.
Today's fastest growing crime in America is different from any other crime.
This kind of crime happens and is long over before we have any knowledge leaving the victim solely responsible to restore their good name.
Identity theft happens to over forty thousand people a day yet less than 5 percent of Americans own an identity protection plan.
Most people who haven't had their identity compromised don't realize the enormous burden of making things right after your information is compromised.
- Credit restoration is completely up to the victim.
Credit card companies may credit the charges incurred or loans taken out ion your name, however, the victim is responsible to work with all three of the major credit reporting agencies to repair credit damage.
- If you are a victim of fraud, you should notify the credit reporting agencies.
Once this is noted by the agencies, you are generally declined on your first attempt to obtain any kind of credit in the future because of your fraudulent past regardless of how it happened.
- If your information is used for medical services, the highest growing type of identity theft, you will likely not know for several months.
At that point, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bills in your name would be due.
The burden is on you to prove fraud to the creditor.
- Crimes that are committed as a result of monies obtained with your information in some cases are your responsibility.
Lawsuits against criminals who stole identities to finance their operations have often included the innocent victim of identity theft.
Trial lawyers don't care if you are an innocent victim, they are generally seeking a monetary award and if you, the victim, represent a potential dollar figure, you can be attached to a suit.
The right identity protection plan will cost you a few dollars a month and is well worth the investment.
Our information is widely distributed in today's web of information technology and this trend will continue to increase making your information even more vulnerable.
Your identity protection plan will restore your credit with all of the major credit agencies instantly, absolve you of any debts or charges incurred fraudulently, and most importantly save you from the weeks or months required to restore your good name.
Purchase an identity protection plan today from a credible company that you trust.
The breadwinner in a household suddenly passes away leaving a spouse and children under insured.
Injuries from car accidents or in someone's home leads to litigation, financial losses and a stark realization that the coverage in place was inadequate.
We guard against these kinds of things with insurance and common sense.
Today's fastest growing crime in America is different from any other crime.
This kind of crime happens and is long over before we have any knowledge leaving the victim solely responsible to restore their good name.
Identity theft happens to over forty thousand people a day yet less than 5 percent of Americans own an identity protection plan.
Most people who haven't had their identity compromised don't realize the enormous burden of making things right after your information is compromised.
- Credit restoration is completely up to the victim.
Credit card companies may credit the charges incurred or loans taken out ion your name, however, the victim is responsible to work with all three of the major credit reporting agencies to repair credit damage.
- If you are a victim of fraud, you should notify the credit reporting agencies.
Once this is noted by the agencies, you are generally declined on your first attempt to obtain any kind of credit in the future because of your fraudulent past regardless of how it happened.
- If your information is used for medical services, the highest growing type of identity theft, you will likely not know for several months.
At that point, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bills in your name would be due.
The burden is on you to prove fraud to the creditor.
- Crimes that are committed as a result of monies obtained with your information in some cases are your responsibility.
Lawsuits against criminals who stole identities to finance their operations have often included the innocent victim of identity theft.
Trial lawyers don't care if you are an innocent victim, they are generally seeking a monetary award and if you, the victim, represent a potential dollar figure, you can be attached to a suit.
The right identity protection plan will cost you a few dollars a month and is well worth the investment.
Our information is widely distributed in today's web of information technology and this trend will continue to increase making your information even more vulnerable.
Your identity protection plan will restore your credit with all of the major credit agencies instantly, absolve you of any debts or charges incurred fraudulently, and most importantly save you from the weeks or months required to restore your good name.
Purchase an identity protection plan today from a credible company that you trust.