The Invisible Scam of Green Laser Pointer You May Encounter
When the world is totally shocked by the super emerald power of green laser pointer and swarm into the rare laser websites, they never think that they would pay dearly for this passion. I'm one of the victims who had sacrificed the hard-earned money for the not-userly-friendly laser beam.
I've personally had 5 lasers from those popular websites where you could nearly find the laser of any output power with the weird mummy names. So I feel obliged to tell a piece of truth about these green lasers and their sellers, coz bad news is bound to spread fast. All but the 200mw green laser pointer have not been performing to specs. I wonder why these lasers are made to be underpowered and those sneaky laser retailers really underrates the non-fishy mind of we laser lovers. Even if we are never able to do any research upon their specs in time.
You've got to be careful about those low-end lasers. I mean not only about the low price. Some laser sites sell lasers at pretty competitive price, but they tend to guarantee the long life expectancy of portable lasers, while some manufacturers tend to cut corners and some probably are missing their IR filter. Most laser lovers have been misled by the fuss about the IR filters made by the wicked lasers. I learnt that in some sense, optical brightness may be dimmed by the multiple wavelengths within the single laser beam. I later checked that one of my green lasers was putting out green at 532nm, but there is also very few infrared, at 808nm and/or 1064nm.But if one plans to buy a below 100mw green laser, you don't have to be bothered by the IR filters, coz it influences little the power and brightness of a lower powered laser. So it has little to do with the effective cost of the product. Sometimes the module or design costs much more.
A good example is LaserPointerPen.Net company which tend to add IR filters to all green laser pens while those below also has a super high cost performance. Due to its limited stock that only covers three most upgraded laser series, its laser products obviously becomes the most competitive especially for those professionals. The self-appointed No.1 laser site wickedlasers spare no efforts to hire some orators to spread the life-and-death importance of the IR filter for any laser use, and god knows the mere reason is that they're profiting big upon those cheap IR filters. Few pros deny admit this seeming-‘white' lie.
I'm a laser lover and trying not to be biased against any laser manufacturers or retailers. Why I don't like wickedlasers is that they don't send the verified output of each laser they sell. Most reputable laser companies do this and their's are GUARANTEED over-spec, every single one.
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I've personally had 5 lasers from those popular websites where you could nearly find the laser of any output power with the weird mummy names. So I feel obliged to tell a piece of truth about these green lasers and their sellers, coz bad news is bound to spread fast. All but the 200mw green laser pointer have not been performing to specs. I wonder why these lasers are made to be underpowered and those sneaky laser retailers really underrates the non-fishy mind of we laser lovers. Even if we are never able to do any research upon their specs in time.
You've got to be careful about those low-end lasers. I mean not only about the low price. Some laser sites sell lasers at pretty competitive price, but they tend to guarantee the long life expectancy of portable lasers, while some manufacturers tend to cut corners and some probably are missing their IR filter. Most laser lovers have been misled by the fuss about the IR filters made by the wicked lasers. I learnt that in some sense, optical brightness may be dimmed by the multiple wavelengths within the single laser beam. I later checked that one of my green lasers was putting out green at 532nm, but there is also very few infrared, at 808nm and/or 1064nm.But if one plans to buy a below 100mw green laser, you don't have to be bothered by the IR filters, coz it influences little the power and brightness of a lower powered laser. So it has little to do with the effective cost of the product. Sometimes the module or design costs much more.
A good example is LaserPointerPen.Net company which tend to add IR filters to all green laser pens while those below also has a super high cost performance. Due to its limited stock that only covers three most upgraded laser series, its laser products obviously becomes the most competitive especially for those professionals. The self-appointed No.1 laser site wickedlasers spare no efforts to hire some orators to spread the life-and-death importance of the IR filter for any laser use, and god knows the mere reason is that they're profiting big upon those cheap IR filters. Few pros deny admit this seeming-‘white' lie.
I'm a laser lover and trying not to be biased against any laser manufacturers or retailers. Why I don't like wickedlasers is that they don't send the verified output of each laser they sell. Most reputable laser companies do this and their's are GUARANTEED over-spec, every single one.
