How to Write a Credit Dispute Letter
- 1). Just make sure you address them to the separate agencies. The date should be put at the top your letter and put your name, address and telephone number below this. The letter should be addressed to the Dispute Investigation Department. The name of the credit bureau to which you are sending the letter will go on the left hand side of your letter before the salutation.
- 2). In the body of the letter explain to the credit bureau that you are disputing the charge on your credit and why. List the exact charge and who has it against your credit. A copy of your credit report should be included with the letter. When explaining to the credit bureau why you believe this charge should be removed, make sure you give them accurate and precise information about your dispute.
- 3). Any proof that you may have should have a copy made and sent to them as well. Do not send original copies of any of your proof that the charge is not yours. Accidents can happen and if your letter should get lost in the mail you will have lost your proof. Make copies of everything that you are sending so you will have this information for your records. This could include records, payments you have made, cancelled checks and anything else.
- 4). Make sure you sign your letter with your full name and you should include any others names by which you may be known. Your maiden name should be included as well if you are a female sending a letter to dispute your credit report. This should include any married names that you have had as well. Your social security number is another item that should be included and send this letter to the credit bureaus. Equifax, Experian and TansUnion are the major three and all should receive a copy of your letter and the supporting evidence you have.
- 5). You should receive a response within 30 days from the credit bureau as to what they are going to do about your dispute. The decision cold be either way. They will either leave the information on your credit or if it is not found to be a valid debt for you it will be deleted from your credit report.
- 6). With the incidence of identity theft on the rise it is quite possible that your information could become compromised. If this happens the best thing you can do is to cancel your credit cards and get new ones. Then compose your letter to the credit card bureaus and send them proof that someone has your identity and is running up bills.