I Lost Love After Making a Job Change
When I became a manager, I thought my boyfriend would be very happy for me.
After working my way through college, and spending so many years in entry level positions, I was finally getting somewhere with my career.
Needless to say, I completely flawed when my boyfriend started getting jealous and crazy on me.
Even though I finally had to tell him to stop contacting me, I still feel like I lost love.
Have you ever wondered what drives a man to treat a woman like garbage as soon as she starts meeting career objectives? Unfortunately, I really and truly think it has to do with some kind of internal jealousy.
Nevertheless, finding a man with a different outlook is not going to be easy.
Therefore, I am wondering if there is a way to salvage my old relationship.
Ever since I lost love, I am very wary of dating other men, let alone trust them to support my future ambitions.
While I don't want a "yes man", I do expect to find a partner that will respect my need to excel in society right along with enjoying a personal life.
Perhaps the best answer for now includes keeping an open mind.
I certainly don't want to go groveling back to my ex, let alone give him the opportunity to create ultimatums that I simply cannot live with.
Now that I lost love, I can safely say that my view on all kinds of things has undergone a drastic change.
Today, I realize that I will always have to think about myself, and put my financial needs ahead of what a romantic partner thinks.
At the very least, when I have a steady paycheck coming in, I will always be safe and secure knowing that my life does not depend on a man for support.
To me, this is worth far more than having a man in my life that will not be reliable, let alone stable in his outlook.
After working my way through college, and spending so many years in entry level positions, I was finally getting somewhere with my career.
Needless to say, I completely flawed when my boyfriend started getting jealous and crazy on me.
Even though I finally had to tell him to stop contacting me, I still feel like I lost love.
Have you ever wondered what drives a man to treat a woman like garbage as soon as she starts meeting career objectives? Unfortunately, I really and truly think it has to do with some kind of internal jealousy.
Nevertheless, finding a man with a different outlook is not going to be easy.
Therefore, I am wondering if there is a way to salvage my old relationship.
Ever since I lost love, I am very wary of dating other men, let alone trust them to support my future ambitions.
While I don't want a "yes man", I do expect to find a partner that will respect my need to excel in society right along with enjoying a personal life.
Perhaps the best answer for now includes keeping an open mind.
I certainly don't want to go groveling back to my ex, let alone give him the opportunity to create ultimatums that I simply cannot live with.
Now that I lost love, I can safely say that my view on all kinds of things has undergone a drastic change.
Today, I realize that I will always have to think about myself, and put my financial needs ahead of what a romantic partner thinks.
At the very least, when I have a steady paycheck coming in, I will always be safe and secure knowing that my life does not depend on a man for support.
To me, this is worth far more than having a man in my life that will not be reliable, let alone stable in his outlook.