How to Determine the Maximum EMF That Can Be Generated Around the Perimeter of a Cell
- 1). Refer to a table of standard electrode potentials, such as the Georgia State University link in the Resources section, to determine each electrode's reduction potential. For example, if the cell contains aluminum and silver electrodes, you will see that aluminum has a potential of -1.66 volts, and silver has a potential of 0.80 volts.
- 2). Determine the lower of these two values. With this example, the lower value is -1.66, aluminum's reduction potential.
- 3). Multiply this lower value by -1: -1.66 --- -1 = 1.66.
- 4). Add this value to the other electrode's potential: 1.66 + 0.8 = 2.46. This is the maximum EMF that the cell can generate around its perimeter.