Type 2 Diabetes - Can Poor Life Choices Damage Your Body and Even Kill You?
If you don't like to read things, the short answer is "YES!" But that is a little bit on the alarmist side, and tends to just make people afraid of diabetes, be it Type 1 or Type 2.
As a wise man once said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
So when we take a look at diabetes, we need to think in terms of reason and logic, instead of just trying to hype up a mantra of "diabetes is bad.
Sugar is evil".
Diabetes is nothing more than a chemical malfunction of your body's systems, rather like if there were a problem in the fuel line of your car.
While it may seem callous to think of your body as a system or to compare it to a car, this is not intended to seem cavalier or to seem like your humanity is somehow being devalued.
You are a human being and deserve respect.
But you are also not your body.
Your body is the machine that allows you to move through this world.
In a sense, it is just like your car, with two notable exceptions.
For one, your body can heal itself if something goes wrong with it.
If you fall down a flight of stairs, you will probably be better after a while.
It is not suggested that you try to send your car dropping off the side of somewhere, in order to see if it would heal.
The smart money says it most definitely would not.
The second way your body is different from your car is in that if your body is too terribly damaged, you can never replace it.
No matter what movies you may watch, there is currently no "body depot" you can go to, and pick up a new body.
Wouldn't that be great? "Man, this old thing's just draggin' around.
Let's go get a new one!" But it may actually be good that we can't do that yet, since it might encourage some truly terrible health habits.
Type 2 diabetes is often a result of those poor life choices, such as not exercising regularly and eating foods with an excess of sugar.
After all, just because your body can heal itself is no reason to constantly test its capability to do so.
Diabetes is responsible for numerous people going blind, because of damage to their cells.
As well, many people need to have their lower legs amputated, for the very same reason.
Type 2 diabetes is partially responsible for additional weight gain, and a great deal of stress to all of the afflicted individual's internal organs.
This can take a person's life way before their time.
And since 95% of all cases of Type 2 diabetes are completely preventable, this tragic illness is doubly so...
people are literally killing themselves, just by practicing poor health habits.
As a wise man once said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
So when we take a look at diabetes, we need to think in terms of reason and logic, instead of just trying to hype up a mantra of "diabetes is bad.
Sugar is evil".
Diabetes is nothing more than a chemical malfunction of your body's systems, rather like if there were a problem in the fuel line of your car.
While it may seem callous to think of your body as a system or to compare it to a car, this is not intended to seem cavalier or to seem like your humanity is somehow being devalued.
You are a human being and deserve respect.
But you are also not your body.
Your body is the machine that allows you to move through this world.
In a sense, it is just like your car, with two notable exceptions.
For one, your body can heal itself if something goes wrong with it.
If you fall down a flight of stairs, you will probably be better after a while.
It is not suggested that you try to send your car dropping off the side of somewhere, in order to see if it would heal.
The smart money says it most definitely would not.
The second way your body is different from your car is in that if your body is too terribly damaged, you can never replace it.
No matter what movies you may watch, there is currently no "body depot" you can go to, and pick up a new body.
Wouldn't that be great? "Man, this old thing's just draggin' around.
Let's go get a new one!" But it may actually be good that we can't do that yet, since it might encourage some truly terrible health habits.
Type 2 diabetes is often a result of those poor life choices, such as not exercising regularly and eating foods with an excess of sugar.
After all, just because your body can heal itself is no reason to constantly test its capability to do so.
Diabetes is responsible for numerous people going blind, because of damage to their cells.
As well, many people need to have their lower legs amputated, for the very same reason.
Type 2 diabetes is partially responsible for additional weight gain, and a great deal of stress to all of the afflicted individual's internal organs.
This can take a person's life way before their time.
And since 95% of all cases of Type 2 diabetes are completely preventable, this tragic illness is doubly so...
people are literally killing themselves, just by practicing poor health habits.