How to Monitor For the Presence of the Bed Bugs In Your Home
Whenever you experience itchy bites on your skin overnight, you should try to identify the source of these bites, making sure they come as either fleas or bed bugs bites and as such find the right weapon against them.
One easy method to identify the species is to set traps for bed bugs.
These sorts of traps can be bought online but you can also make them yourself.
They range from the simple ones, the same that are used for cockroaches - the 'bait and glue' - to electronic devices that emit carbon dioxide attracting in this way the bed bugs.
These electronic devices are very useful tools in killing the insect pest inside the rooms that are not inhabited on regular basis.
Although they do not have anything to feed themselves with, they can wait in an inactive state until an unexpected victim falls under their attack.
But how can they know that there is fresh food that has just landed 'under their roof'? As long as your body will generate warmth and you exhale CO2, then these insects will always be alerted that there is dinner time for them.
Installing a CO2 electronic device, these bed bugs will be attracted to this trap bringing them outside their hiding place.
Through these traps, a hotel administrator or a block of flats manager can see if the specific room/flat is bed bugs infested and as such to take the necessary solutions killing these bugs.
If you want to use the simple method, then with a bait and glue solution this can make trapping bed bugs possible.
This sort of method operates on a simple rule: there is an attractant to draw the creatures close, that close till they come into the trap where they get glued to a pad.
You can find cardboard traps put around your house in places where you think that these creatures might lurk.
The attractant element will come with the box of trap when you purchase it.
Further on you should place the trap box (is made of plastic to protect the bedding against the gluey surfaces) between the spring box and mattress, the place that is their favorite hiding.
Another kind of trap is called the cup system interceptor trap consisting of 2 cups with one fitting inside the other leaving a space in between.
The surfaces that come on the cup inside are powdered with a special talc making the surface too slippery and as such the bed bugs unable to climb out of the cup.
One pair of cups needs to be placed under each leg of the bed for when they will start to reach your bed, they would fall and caught in the trap.
This interceptor type can be made also by you using two small bowls made of plastic or in another way covering with double sided gluey tape the places that you know are strategic for the bed bugs to climb onto your bed.
One easy method to identify the species is to set traps for bed bugs.
These sorts of traps can be bought online but you can also make them yourself.
They range from the simple ones, the same that are used for cockroaches - the 'bait and glue' - to electronic devices that emit carbon dioxide attracting in this way the bed bugs.
These electronic devices are very useful tools in killing the insect pest inside the rooms that are not inhabited on regular basis.
Although they do not have anything to feed themselves with, they can wait in an inactive state until an unexpected victim falls under their attack.
But how can they know that there is fresh food that has just landed 'under their roof'? As long as your body will generate warmth and you exhale CO2, then these insects will always be alerted that there is dinner time for them.
Installing a CO2 electronic device, these bed bugs will be attracted to this trap bringing them outside their hiding place.
Through these traps, a hotel administrator or a block of flats manager can see if the specific room/flat is bed bugs infested and as such to take the necessary solutions killing these bugs.
If you want to use the simple method, then with a bait and glue solution this can make trapping bed bugs possible.
This sort of method operates on a simple rule: there is an attractant to draw the creatures close, that close till they come into the trap where they get glued to a pad.
You can find cardboard traps put around your house in places where you think that these creatures might lurk.
The attractant element will come with the box of trap when you purchase it.
Further on you should place the trap box (is made of plastic to protect the bedding against the gluey surfaces) between the spring box and mattress, the place that is their favorite hiding.
Another kind of trap is called the cup system interceptor trap consisting of 2 cups with one fitting inside the other leaving a space in between.
The surfaces that come on the cup inside are powdered with a special talc making the surface too slippery and as such the bed bugs unable to climb out of the cup.
One pair of cups needs to be placed under each leg of the bed for when they will start to reach your bed, they would fall and caught in the trap.
This interceptor type can be made also by you using two small bowls made of plastic or in another way covering with double sided gluey tape the places that you know are strategic for the bed bugs to climb onto your bed.