Doubles Tips For Table Tennis/ Ping-Pong Beginners
Doubles Rallies Tips and Tactics
- One of the most important parts of playing doubles is staying out of your partner's way. Players in experienced doubles teams get to know where their partner will be at any given point in time, and so you don't see them running into each other very often. Take notice of where your partner prefers to play from, and over time you will learn to automatically move out of the areas he likes to to hit the ball from.
- Playing the ball towards the person who just played the last stroke is often a good tactic, since it makes it that much harder for their partner to get an unhindered stroke. If one player is noticeable slower than the other, you might also want to play the ball wide to the slower partner to make him move, then play the next ball straight at him, so that he tends to get in his quicker partner's way.
- Take notice of the playing strengths of your opponents. If your opponents consist of one good player and one weaker player, attack hard at the weaker player whenever possible. If you can't make a good attack, then try tempting the weaker player to attack balls that are just a little too difficult for him to do successfully (a little too much spin, or into his playing elbow). At lower levels, you can often win a lot of easy points just by allowing the weaker player to attack and make mistakes. The motto is make the weaker player play the ball as often as you can.
- If you are a good player teamed up with a weaker player, your job is to make as many strong attacks as you can, so that your partner hopefully will get a weak return that he can handle easily. If you cannot attack strongly, you must place the ball with care, trying to make it difficult for your opponents to attack your partner. Make sure you are forcing play into the patterns that your partner can handle, so don't push a lot of balls if your partner is weak at pushing, or flick a lot of balls if your partner does not have a good block to handle your opponents' attacks.
- If you are a weaker player teamed up with a stronger player, your job is keep the ball on the table wherever possible, so that your better partner gets another chance to make a good attack. When the easy ball presents itself, you should attack it by all means though. But forget about trying to impress anyone by hitting balls that you normally wouldn't try to hit. Just stick to doing what you can do, and being ready to hit any easy put-aways that have been set up by your partner.
Return of serve is one area where a weaker player often tries to overdo it, attempting to place the ball too tightly, or even attack balls that he shouldn't. Remember that you are playing with a much better partner, so you have to try to allow him to get into these rallies as often as possible, so he can use his skill. So just get the ball back somewhere on the table consistently, and if your partner gives you some advice on how to return the serve, make sure that you listen to what he is saying - he knows what he is talking about!
Likewise when you are serving - you don't need to make incredible serves, just keep them simple and error free, so that your partner can start trying to attack the third ball. If you are serving faults you are preventing your partner from using his expertise. - Encourage your partner, rather than criticizing him. Nothing makes a person get tense faster than his partner giving him a hard time about his mistakes. Accept that both you and your partner are going to make some mistakes along the way, but as long as you are both following your overall strategy that's fine. If your partner is making mistakes because he is trying to do something that is not part of your strategy, just remind him of what your plan is, and focus on both of you getting back to doing what you should be doing.
- If your partner is having a particularly bad day and is making a lot of mistakes, the question arises as to whether you should try to compensate for it. This usually means playing more aggressively, and taking more risks by trying to hit stronger attacks than normal, in the hopes of getting back into the game. This is not easy to do, so it is usually better to give your partner more time to get his game together, but if he continues to make errors, at some point it will be up to you to try to lift your own game up to try to win the match. Give your partner plenty of time to try to get back on track, but don't wait until you are several match points down before starting to get aggressive! Also, make sure you let your partner know what you are going to try to do, so he can be ready for your more aggressive attitude and adjust his game accordingly.
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