Life After Divorce - Who Am I?
I am a remarried Christian who in every way lived a life that was pleasing to me and me alone.
I thought that if I went to church on Sunday and tried to treat everybody right that my life would be great.
Boy was I in for a surprise.
Sometimes as a divorced person we are not treated so nice, and sometimes weare even judged unfairly.
Some of us did not consult God about our past mates, and some of us did, but never the less, God is able to restore according to his word what the locust has taken from us, so lift up your head and know that you are the apple of Gods Eye, and he will never leave you nor will he forsake you.
I am sure some of you even if you are not a Christian has or will go through some of the same things that I have gone threw.
I believe that all of us makes mistakes and we need to know that God will forgive us much quicker than man will.
I was remarried in 1986 to a wonderful man who loves me and only wants my best.
I truly trust my husband because I know that Christ is the head of his life, and as such I know that his relationship with Christ comes first and then his relationship with me comes second and that is the way it is suppose to be.
God has wonderfully blessed our marriage, and we are the best of friends, we are able to compliment each other in ways I could never imagine.
We work together on a daily basis, side by side and we have learned how to listen to each other, talk to each other and comfort each other.
So for those of you who might be thinking that you are utterly useless, forget that train of thought, because Gods words says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, they are plans of good and not bad, to give you a promise and ahope".
Now does that mean that God planned for me to get divorced, not at all, but it didn't take God by surprise when I did.
And does he still love me and know the plans that he has for me, YOU BET HE DOES, and those plans have not changed.
My husband and I enjoy serving the Lord together, we have held some awesome positions in our church life, and God has placed us in some ministry opportunities that we could never have imagined, but through it all God was and is faithful to us.
We are able to endure some situations that we would not have been able to endure alone.
So why did I write this article, well you need to know that if you are a Christian and you are divorced, and feeling like their is no hope for you, I came to say to you CHEER UP God is still on the throne.
And if you are not a Christian and you need to have a relationship with Christ, that is also available to you, you just need to read Romans 10:9, and do what it says, and Christ can give you a brand new relationship with him.
I don't say this just to be saying something, I believe that all of us need a reason to get up in the morning, and Jesus and my husband is mine so you have to find what works for you, and not worry about what other people will say, it is your life, you need to live it to the fullest and enjoy every minute of your life.
We share a business together, we get to minister through our business to others who come into our path, some by accident and some by divine intervention, but what ever the way we try to treat them special so that they will know they have been in the presence of Christ.
Everyone has an opportunity to share the love of Christ, we just need to let go and let God love through us.
So what will you do with today will you continue to allow others todetermine who you because you are divorced, or will you let Gods light shine through you.
I often tell ladies and men when they ask me for advice about their situation, this is what I say to them:Who ever God has for you maybe being used by someone else at the present time, but just know this if he or she is the one that God has for you they will not be used up when they get to you.
I thought that if I went to church on Sunday and tried to treat everybody right that my life would be great.
Boy was I in for a surprise.
Sometimes as a divorced person we are not treated so nice, and sometimes weare even judged unfairly.
Some of us did not consult God about our past mates, and some of us did, but never the less, God is able to restore according to his word what the locust has taken from us, so lift up your head and know that you are the apple of Gods Eye, and he will never leave you nor will he forsake you.
I am sure some of you even if you are not a Christian has or will go through some of the same things that I have gone threw.
I believe that all of us makes mistakes and we need to know that God will forgive us much quicker than man will.
I was remarried in 1986 to a wonderful man who loves me and only wants my best.
I truly trust my husband because I know that Christ is the head of his life, and as such I know that his relationship with Christ comes first and then his relationship with me comes second and that is the way it is suppose to be.
God has wonderfully blessed our marriage, and we are the best of friends, we are able to compliment each other in ways I could never imagine.
We work together on a daily basis, side by side and we have learned how to listen to each other, talk to each other and comfort each other.
So for those of you who might be thinking that you are utterly useless, forget that train of thought, because Gods words says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, they are plans of good and not bad, to give you a promise and ahope".
Now does that mean that God planned for me to get divorced, not at all, but it didn't take God by surprise when I did.
And does he still love me and know the plans that he has for me, YOU BET HE DOES, and those plans have not changed.
My husband and I enjoy serving the Lord together, we have held some awesome positions in our church life, and God has placed us in some ministry opportunities that we could never have imagined, but through it all God was and is faithful to us.
We are able to endure some situations that we would not have been able to endure alone.
So why did I write this article, well you need to know that if you are a Christian and you are divorced, and feeling like their is no hope for you, I came to say to you CHEER UP God is still on the throne.
And if you are not a Christian and you need to have a relationship with Christ, that is also available to you, you just need to read Romans 10:9, and do what it says, and Christ can give you a brand new relationship with him.
I don't say this just to be saying something, I believe that all of us need a reason to get up in the morning, and Jesus and my husband is mine so you have to find what works for you, and not worry about what other people will say, it is your life, you need to live it to the fullest and enjoy every minute of your life.
We share a business together, we get to minister through our business to others who come into our path, some by accident and some by divine intervention, but what ever the way we try to treat them special so that they will know they have been in the presence of Christ.
Everyone has an opportunity to share the love of Christ, we just need to let go and let God love through us.
So what will you do with today will you continue to allow others todetermine who you because you are divorced, or will you let Gods light shine through you.
I often tell ladies and men when they ask me for advice about their situation, this is what I say to them:Who ever God has for you maybe being used by someone else at the present time, but just know this if he or she is the one that God has for you they will not be used up when they get to you.