Comedy Clubs around Springfield, Illinois
- Comedy is alive and well in the state of Illinois. According to The Comedy Soap Box, as of August 2010, the state has 75 comedy clubs. Most of the clubs are located in the Chicago area. However, the state capital, Springfield, and its surrounding area also offer comedy clubs for your entertainment.
- Donnie B's Comedy Club, in the heart of Springfield, features a rotating selection of headlining comedians from across the country. Every third Wednesday, Donnie B's hosts an open mic night and the club also offers a private banquet room for holidays and special events. In addition, Donnie B's has a full bar in a separate room with pool tables. Dinner is available nightly.
Donnie B's Comedy Club
2937 West White Oaks Drive
Springfield, IL 62707
217-698-0918 - Mason City Limits is located in Mason City approximately 30 minutes from Springfield. The club is owned by comedian Chris Speyrer and features national headlining comedians. The club hosts an amateur open-mic night on the first Wednesday of each month. Mason City Limits has a full bar but does not serve any food. The club recommendeds reservations for guests.
Mason City Limits
114 E. Chestnut
Mason City, IL 62664 - The Jukebox Comedy Club is located approximately one hour from Springfield in Peoria, Illinois. This comedy club features a rotating schedule of local and national comedians and an annual amateur stand-up contest. The club has a full bar that also serves light appetizers. As the schedule changes weekly; the club recommends reservations.
Jukebox Comedy Club
3527 W. Farmington Road
Peoria, Illinois 61604
Donnie B's Comedy Club
Mason City Limits
Jukebox Comedy Club