How to Make Students Do Test Corrections
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She may not like the correcting, but she will benefit from it.Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Provide information on correcting test mistakes that includes the rationale for correction and directions on how to correct the mistakes. Explain to them their corrections will benefit them on the final exam. - 2
Allowing a set time limit, in class, for correction is best.Martin Poole/Photodisc/Getty Images
Set aside time in class for students to complete the test corrections according to your specifications. Be sure to let students know that there is a time limit for corrections. - 3
Noting the topic of the corrections will assist the student on the exam.Jupiterimages/ Images
Instruct the students to complete the corrections on a blank sheet of notebook paper that they will turn in. They should write the question and the answer so that they will be able to quickly access the information on the final exam. Be sure to ask student to put their name and topic of the test. For instance, if the class is biology and the test was over the dissection of the earth worm, the correction paper should be coded "dissection." - 4
Reteaching is a valuable tool for reinforcement of material.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Review all of the questions in class, asking students if additional instruction is necessary. Collect the correction sheet, but allow students to keep the test paper for the purpose of studying for the final exam. - 5
She'll be excited to get her official 'cheat sheet' on test day.Jupiterimages/ Images
Provide assistance on the final exam day, by passing out the correction sheets along with the final exam. It is likely students will remember the information from the extra work they did looking up the corrections. Passing them out will also brighten the spirits of students and inspire them to look up corrections the next time.
Provide Incentives