Welcome to Review 1 of the No Anxiety Or Panic Coaching Course!
Today's Topic - Review 1 Congratulations! You have successfully completed your first week in the no anxiety or panic coaching course.
Are you less anxious? Have your panic attacks subsided? I hope so! If you have been following along and applying the lessons in this course and my book to your life, you will answer both of those questions as yes! Maybe you won't be completely without anxiety, but you should be a lot better off than you were a week ago.
So let me ask: Did you go see a doctor and get a physical? Or have you made an appointment? Remember, it's worth any amount of money to ease your mind about your health.
If you are wondering what could be wrong with your health, you are opening the door for panic to come in to your mind and body.
Have you been eating right? If you are still drinking 5 cups of coffee or soda a day or eating fast food every day for lunch followed by a candy bar, you are just asking to feel weird.
Feeling weird and being scared about body sensations are a volatile combination.
They start a downward spiral toward panic.
Stay away from it! Eat right! You know how to do it.
Just do it! Have you been exercising? Remember, it doesn't take much exercise to feel better every day.
Just 30 minutes of walking has positive physical and mental effects.
I don't want to give you the impression that you are going to lose 20 pounds by walking 30 minutes a day, you won't.
But you will be oxygenating your blood and making every cell in your body happy.
It feels good and the end result is less anxiety.
Have you been journaling? If you have been journaling, you most likely have realized how effective it is by now.
It's actually quite fun.
On top of the sheer entertainment value, you learn a lot about yourself and your proclivity toward anxiety and panic.
Some of you might be thinking it takes too much time to write your inner most thoughts and fears every day.
I thought that.
Then I realized that I'd really rather get rid of my panic and anxiety than watch T.
It's your choice.
But if you want to heal, there's only one right choice.
Have you been meditating? Meditation is a lot of fun.
There is nothing you need to get started other than a quiet place with no distractions.
After 15 minutes you are going to find that you are feeling much, much better.
Remember, meditation is a great way to release the stress and anxiety that you build up during the day.
If you meditate every day, you won't be building anxiety to the point where you have a panic attack.
Have you had a panic attack this week? If you have had a panic attack this week, be honest with yourself and assess what you have or have not done that would increase your chances of having a panic attack.
What we want to do is play the percentages.
If we skip lunch, but eat chocolate and drink a soda at our desk, we are increasing the odds that we will have a panic attack.
Everything I gave you this week decreases your chances of having a panic attack.
If you focus on doing the things which decrease the chance of having a panic attack, you will be much happier and anxiety-free.
To your health and success! You are on track!
Are you less anxious? Have your panic attacks subsided? I hope so! If you have been following along and applying the lessons in this course and my book to your life, you will answer both of those questions as yes! Maybe you won't be completely without anxiety, but you should be a lot better off than you were a week ago.
So let me ask: Did you go see a doctor and get a physical? Or have you made an appointment? Remember, it's worth any amount of money to ease your mind about your health.
If you are wondering what could be wrong with your health, you are opening the door for panic to come in to your mind and body.
Have you been eating right? If you are still drinking 5 cups of coffee or soda a day or eating fast food every day for lunch followed by a candy bar, you are just asking to feel weird.
Feeling weird and being scared about body sensations are a volatile combination.
They start a downward spiral toward panic.
Stay away from it! Eat right! You know how to do it.
Just do it! Have you been exercising? Remember, it doesn't take much exercise to feel better every day.
Just 30 minutes of walking has positive physical and mental effects.
I don't want to give you the impression that you are going to lose 20 pounds by walking 30 minutes a day, you won't.
But you will be oxygenating your blood and making every cell in your body happy.
It feels good and the end result is less anxiety.
Have you been journaling? If you have been journaling, you most likely have realized how effective it is by now.
It's actually quite fun.
On top of the sheer entertainment value, you learn a lot about yourself and your proclivity toward anxiety and panic.
Some of you might be thinking it takes too much time to write your inner most thoughts and fears every day.
I thought that.
Then I realized that I'd really rather get rid of my panic and anxiety than watch T.
It's your choice.
But if you want to heal, there's only one right choice.
Have you been meditating? Meditation is a lot of fun.
There is nothing you need to get started other than a quiet place with no distractions.
After 15 minutes you are going to find that you are feeling much, much better.
Remember, meditation is a great way to release the stress and anxiety that you build up during the day.
If you meditate every day, you won't be building anxiety to the point where you have a panic attack.
Have you had a panic attack this week? If you have had a panic attack this week, be honest with yourself and assess what you have or have not done that would increase your chances of having a panic attack.
What we want to do is play the percentages.
If we skip lunch, but eat chocolate and drink a soda at our desk, we are increasing the odds that we will have a panic attack.
Everything I gave you this week decreases your chances of having a panic attack.
If you focus on doing the things which decrease the chance of having a panic attack, you will be much happier and anxiety-free.
To your health and success! You are on track!