How to Make a Kermit the Frog Mask
- 1). Trace an oval onto the cardboard using a pencil. The oval should be several inches longer than your child’s entire face. Draw two half-circles at the top of the oval to represent Kermit’s eyes.
- 2). Cut out the shape you have drawn. Color in the entire large oval with the green marker. Leave the two half-circles white.
- 3). Draw two black dots in the center of each white half circle using the black marker. These are the pupils of Kermit’s eyes.
- 4). Draw a line through the center of the large green oval to represent Kermit’s mouth. Give the line a slight upward curve so that the mask appears to be smiling.
- 5). Cut two slits along the line that is Kermit’s mouth. The slits should be about 1 inch long and ½ an inch wide. These will act as your child’s eyeholes when she wears the mask.
- 6). Cut an elastic headband in half and staple one side to each end of the mask at the back. The band should run the same direction around the back of the mask as Kermit’s mouth does across the front.
- 7). Place the mask on your child’s face and wrap the elastic band around the back of her head. The band should be tight enough to hold the mask in place but loose enough to feel comfortable.