Sleep Tips for a 10 Month Old Baby
- At ten months, babies may need extra help getting a good night's sleeping image by Tatyana Gladskih from
A 10-month-old baby is in transition period, working on several new skills such crawling and walking. With all this new activity, his sleep schedule may change and be a bit off compared to previous months. Help him get a full night's sleep with a few simple tips you can do daily. - Create a nighttime routine for baby. Some parents like to bathe baby at the same time each night, read a book, sing songs, or play a quiet game. As this becomes a routine, it will be a cue to the baby that it's time for sleep, and he will naturally transition into a bedtime mentality.
- Every baby has her own daily schedule and internal clock. Try to keep her on her daily schedule and routine so she can feel comfortable and safe and know what to expect. A baby can have difficulty coping with new situations. The more regular her day is, the more likely it is that she will sleep well at night.
- Give him more food in the evening that you typically would during the day. This will help fill his belly and keep him nourished and happy throughout the night so he won't need to wake for a feeding. As he gets older, feedings should sustain him for longer and longer periods of time.
- Give the baby a pacifier to help her fall asleep. Sucking on a pacifier is extremely soothing and will help ease her mind and body so she can sleep more peacefully. Place several pacifiers around her crib so she'll have one within reach if she wakes up during the middle of the night and needs some soothing.
- Light can disrupt sleep. Darken baby's room with blackout curtains, or cover the baby with a light blanket until she falls asleep. Then pull the blanket down or remove it completely to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Create a Routine
Stick to a Schedule
Give More at Evening Feedings
Provide a Pacifier
Darken the Room