Rewarding Early Sporting Success
Many parents like to see their children taking part in various sports from an early age. This may be because they view such activities as having health benefits, or it may simply be due to the fact that sports do tend to encourage social interaction.
Both of these factors should certainly be seen as being real positives. In an age when so many children spend countless hours playing video games, there are clearly some real concerns about exercise levels. This may well be something that you worry about. Encouraging children to take part in sports can certainly help to reduce these fears.
Few of us want our kids to be overweight, or to suffer from the health problems that may result from such a situation. Ensuring that they take regular exercise can certainly help.
But it's also important that your children enjoy their chosen sport. It's wise to ensure that they really are taking part in something that they have chosen to do. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't introduce them to your favourite sport. There's certainly real value in showing them something that interests you. But you shouldn't pin your hopes on them choosing to spend time playing that particular sport.
A better approach often involves demonstrating a selection of sporting activities. Allow your kids to see the various benefits associated with each sport. This will help to ensure that they choose something that really interests them.
One of the main reasons why this is important is because it will provide a level of motivation. This is something that you may well recognise from your own life. Many of us find it easier to exercise if it involves an activity that we are really able to enjoy.
What about the social influence here? Most kids enjoy doing the same activities as their friends. Once again, this is something that can be encouraged. If it ensures that they keep participating then it's surely a good thing.
But what about the issue of competition? A sporting activity may start out as being rather informal, but many kids do like the element of competition. It's nice to offer rewards for success and many sporting clubs make use of medals and trophies to reward successful actions.
These can work really well and need not be limited to those who gain the most in terms of sporting achievements. Instead, they could be awared to those who are committed and have a great record of attending events.
Both of these factors should certainly be seen as being real positives. In an age when so many children spend countless hours playing video games, there are clearly some real concerns about exercise levels. This may well be something that you worry about. Encouraging children to take part in sports can certainly help to reduce these fears.
Few of us want our kids to be overweight, or to suffer from the health problems that may result from such a situation. Ensuring that they take regular exercise can certainly help.
But it's also important that your children enjoy their chosen sport. It's wise to ensure that they really are taking part in something that they have chosen to do. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't introduce them to your favourite sport. There's certainly real value in showing them something that interests you. But you shouldn't pin your hopes on them choosing to spend time playing that particular sport.
A better approach often involves demonstrating a selection of sporting activities. Allow your kids to see the various benefits associated with each sport. This will help to ensure that they choose something that really interests them.
One of the main reasons why this is important is because it will provide a level of motivation. This is something that you may well recognise from your own life. Many of us find it easier to exercise if it involves an activity that we are really able to enjoy.
What about the social influence here? Most kids enjoy doing the same activities as their friends. Once again, this is something that can be encouraged. If it ensures that they keep participating then it's surely a good thing.
But what about the issue of competition? A sporting activity may start out as being rather informal, but many kids do like the element of competition. It's nice to offer rewards for success and many sporting clubs make use of medals and trophies to reward successful actions.
These can work really well and need not be limited to those who gain the most in terms of sporting achievements. Instead, they could be awared to those who are committed and have a great record of attending events.