The Best Way to Make Your Dream Guy Fall in Love With You
Have you had your eye on someone and want to make him simply fall in love with you? Has it been a long time since you've been in a long-term and reciprocal relationship? Are you ready to make a greater commitment but aren't sure if he feels the same? By working through two main processes, you will be able to make your dream guy fall in love with you.
Respect Him Research and individual interviews with men have shown that the way men feel loved is through respect.
It is a stronger requirement to them than love.
In fact, without feeling respected, guys simply cannot truly love their girlfriends or wives.
This respect is easy to give to a guy you have fallen for.
One way is by trusting his judgment.
For example, if he tells you something that you're not sure about, such as the starting time of the movie you are going to see, don't second guess him.
Take his word for it and understand that your trust and faith in him is very important.
As women, we tend to double-check every detail and second guess our men on every little thing.
It's just not worth it.
Even if he was wrong about the information he gave you, does it really matter in the long run? Another way to show respect is to ask his advice or opinion about a current situation you are going through.
Then thank him for his help.
Never ridicule or use sarcasm to make fun of his ideas or solutions.
He will feel respected and, in turn, you will make him fall madly in love with you.
Respect Yourself Don't overdo the flirting while together or on the phone.
This will only make you look like you are throwing yourself at him as if you were desperate to have a boyfriend.
This includes gushing over every little thing he does or says.
"Ooohh, honey, that was the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life! You are soooo hysterical!" If you are saying something like this every time he opens his mouth to talk, he's going to feel like you are ridiculous and insincere.
Instead, verbally let him know (in a non-gushing manner) how much you love being together.
Then, focus your energy on activities that will lead to a smarter, and more confident, you.
You can be joyful, positive, and upbeat without coming across as overly anxious and desperate.
It just takes practice.
By following these two processes, it will only be a matter of time before you have made your guy fall in love with you.
Respect Him Research and individual interviews with men have shown that the way men feel loved is through respect.
It is a stronger requirement to them than love.
In fact, without feeling respected, guys simply cannot truly love their girlfriends or wives.
This respect is easy to give to a guy you have fallen for.
One way is by trusting his judgment.
For example, if he tells you something that you're not sure about, such as the starting time of the movie you are going to see, don't second guess him.
Take his word for it and understand that your trust and faith in him is very important.
As women, we tend to double-check every detail and second guess our men on every little thing.
It's just not worth it.
Even if he was wrong about the information he gave you, does it really matter in the long run? Another way to show respect is to ask his advice or opinion about a current situation you are going through.
Then thank him for his help.
Never ridicule or use sarcasm to make fun of his ideas or solutions.
He will feel respected and, in turn, you will make him fall madly in love with you.
Respect Yourself Don't overdo the flirting while together or on the phone.
This will only make you look like you are throwing yourself at him as if you were desperate to have a boyfriend.
This includes gushing over every little thing he does or says.
"Ooohh, honey, that was the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life! You are soooo hysterical!" If you are saying something like this every time he opens his mouth to talk, he's going to feel like you are ridiculous and insincere.
Instead, verbally let him know (in a non-gushing manner) how much you love being together.
Then, focus your energy on activities that will lead to a smarter, and more confident, you.
You can be joyful, positive, and upbeat without coming across as overly anxious and desperate.
It just takes practice.
By following these two processes, it will only be a matter of time before you have made your guy fall in love with you.