Start Small and Grow Your Business
Starting a business is like taking your first steps, caution should be used.
Like gathering as much information as possible and starting small gives you the ability to check everything out before you commit in order for you to make sure this is the direction you would like to go.
There are so many offers on the net that will promise to make you "successful," but believe me, they are looking out for other interests besides your own.
I do not promise success to no one, all I do is try and make all of the choices available for you to see.
For the only one that can make you successful is you.
Also I will tell you why you should not inter in to a business selling someone's product on an auto-shipment base were you have to purchase "x" amount each month.
I can tell you from my experience with my first internet business, I sold to my family, friends and co-workers to the point that they would run when they saw me walking toward them.
Plus I filled my garage up quickly and I have not even started talking about my advertising.
I think you can see were this type of business can take you, so take my word on this, stay clear and save your money.
Now we will look at what you do want in a business.
#1 make sure you control your money and where it is spent: remember no products! We are now talking advertising, domain name, web hosting.
These are the bare essentials of business on the net, but I will show you later how to make the most out of these, but lets keep going for now #2 you must be able to control your ability to "grow" in a very good system.
You can build on the people that you bring in under you, but let me make this very clear, it is your responsibility to help them to grow with you, if not, you're going to lose them and you lose the growth from your business that they helped you with so make sure if someone in your down line has a question or are having problems with whatever they need, make it a point to stop whatever your doing and find out what has to be done.
It is because you need them as much as they need you, only as a group will you grow.
I hope you will find something that I have stated on here that will give you a little insight and this is not all, but for now read this over and over or bookmark this page if it helps, To your success sincerely Tom Howell
Like gathering as much information as possible and starting small gives you the ability to check everything out before you commit in order for you to make sure this is the direction you would like to go.
There are so many offers on the net that will promise to make you "successful," but believe me, they are looking out for other interests besides your own.
I do not promise success to no one, all I do is try and make all of the choices available for you to see.
For the only one that can make you successful is you.
Also I will tell you why you should not inter in to a business selling someone's product on an auto-shipment base were you have to purchase "x" amount each month.
I can tell you from my experience with my first internet business, I sold to my family, friends and co-workers to the point that they would run when they saw me walking toward them.
Plus I filled my garage up quickly and I have not even started talking about my advertising.
I think you can see were this type of business can take you, so take my word on this, stay clear and save your money.
Now we will look at what you do want in a business.
#1 make sure you control your money and where it is spent: remember no products! We are now talking advertising, domain name, web hosting.
These are the bare essentials of business on the net, but I will show you later how to make the most out of these, but lets keep going for now #2 you must be able to control your ability to "grow" in a very good system.
You can build on the people that you bring in under you, but let me make this very clear, it is your responsibility to help them to grow with you, if not, you're going to lose them and you lose the growth from your business that they helped you with so make sure if someone in your down line has a question or are having problems with whatever they need, make it a point to stop whatever your doing and find out what has to be done.
It is because you need them as much as they need you, only as a group will you grow.
I hope you will find something that I have stated on here that will give you a little insight and this is not all, but for now read this over and over or bookmark this page if it helps, To your success sincerely Tom Howell