The Flush System Diet
- The first phase of the flush system diet is typically the hardest. This is known as the "restrictive" phase. The goal of this phase is to reduce caloric intake to about 1,100 to 1,200 calories every day. Another aim is to reduce water retention and fat loss by reducing foods that are considered unhealthy, including margarine, oil, fatty foods, sugar, cereals, dairy items and alcohol.
- The second phase of the diet is the time that the caloric restrictions are relaxed, and the dieter is permitted to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories ever day. The goal of Phase 2 is to continue on with the diet until the weight loss that is desired has been completed.
The maintenance phase is hard for many because this is the time that you must follow a healthy plan for life. A daily caloric intake of about 1,200 to 1,500 is the recommended allowance. At this point, there will be some starchy carbohydrates allowed, as well as some dairy products and gluten-free foods. However, your diet will consist mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. - Breakfast on the flush system diet might consist of a vegetable omelet, made with two eggs, spinach and green peppers. Lunch is usually a plate of 4 oz. of salmon, a side of vegetables, 1 tbsp. of flax seed and cranberry juice. Dinner can be a grilled lamp chop or chicken, sautéed kale and 1 tbsp. of flax seed. Fruit is allowed for two snacks, and diluted, unsweetened cranberry juice is recommended to help flush out the system.
- Exercise is an important part of each phase of the flush system diet. Exercise should consist of 20 to 40 minutes a day and can be tailored to an individual and his needs. Low-impact walking is recommended as is strength training two times per week. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
The Initial Phase
The Ongoing and Maintenance Phase
Typical Foods