Different Kinds of Mange on Dogs
- Demodectic mange has also been called red mange, puppy mange or follicular mange and is caused by Demodex canis or Demodex injai mites (see Reference 1).
- Demodectic mites cause lesions on the body, hair loss, a greasy appearance and red or crusty skin (see Reference 1).
- Also known as canine scabies, sarcoptic mange is caused by a mite known as Sarcoptes scabiei and can occur in any dog no matter what breed, gender or age (see Reference 2).
- Sarcoptic mange symptoms include itching, hair loss, red pustules and crusty, darkened or mutilated skin (see Reference 2).
- Both forms of canine mange can be treated with a variety of techniques, depending on the severity of the condition. Common treatments include topical medicated lotions, shampoos, sprays and dips. Dogs with longer fur might need to be clipped to allow the medication to fully penetrate to the skin (see References 1 and 2).
Demodectic Mange
Symptoms of Demodectic Mange
Sarcoptic Mange
Symtpoms of Sarcoptic Mange