Instructions for Castor Oil Packs for Breast Cancer
- Typical treatment for breast cancer is essentially the same as for any other type of cancer. Physicians attempt to remove the lump in the breast if the tumor is operable. In some cases, total breast removal is recommended. This is normally followed by some degree of radiation and chemotherapy to stop the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and ensure that all of the cancerous tissue has been removed. In addition to chemotherapy and radiation, you may also want to try some holistic therapy to help rid your body of tumors. One such method is through castor oil packs. The first person to realize the benefit of castor oil packs in relation to cancerous tumors was Edgar Cayce. Cayce recommended the holistic approach to treating cancerous tumors with a simple at-home therapy. Although this method is not scientifically recommended or proven through clinical studies, many people swear by its ability to detoxify the body and thus aid in the shrinking of cancerous tumors.
- Making and using a castor oil pack is quite simple. All you need is some castor oil and flannel pads made out of wool or cotton. The castor oil and pads can be purchased at almost any store that sells health food. Lay the pad on a surface and soak the pad in the castor oil. Apply the pad to the tumor and cover it with an oil cloth to prevent oil from leaking anywhere you do not want it to.
- Cayce also recommends that while treating the tumor on the breast, you also apply a castor oil pack to the liver to stimulate that organ. The liver is responsible for the activity of your immune system, so the pack may aid in the treatment of the tumor in your breast as well. Leave the pack on for about an hour, with either a hot-water bottle or a heating pad over the area. After the hour is up, you can place the pad into a plastic bag to avoid needing a new pad for each application.
Castor Oil Treatment
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