Gold From Gold Sellers or Cataclysm Gold Guides?
Like many WoW players, I'm more than lazy when it comes to farming gold in World of Warcraft and quite a few times I have bought gold from online sellers or even from a few players on my server.
However that's quite risky.
That's why eventually I resorted to a Cataclysm gold guide, to learn to make as much gold as possible in the shortest time possible, to prepare for the reforging of Azeroth.
Now, you're probably asking yourself, why buying gold is risky? Well, it's against the game rules, and you can get your game account banned for such a trade if they intercept it.
your account might get hacked if the gold sellers have hidden keyloggers on their page.
That eventually happened to me and it was quite a bit hard to explain to the Blizzard technical support what happened.
Eventually, I got my account back but my characters were wearing only their tabards, being stripped off their equipment.
My crafting materials and gold savings were also gone.
Unfortunately I couldn't recover any of that so I had to start over again.
Therefore, my only fast gold making option seemed to be lying in the Cataclysm gold guides.
So I dug up a few and to my surprise, that information I got was quite solid.
Here's what the best of the Cataclysm gold guides I started to work with contains.
Firstly, it covers all the information concerning the Auction House techniques.
That's exactly what I was looking for since I kinda hate farming.
Trading stuff at can be done even within the short breaks between two arena matches, or between two battlegrounds, so it suits me best.
Not only I have learned exactly what's best to sell, when and how to sell it, I've also mastered all the Auction House money making techniques for Cataclysm, using a few excellent addons that I didn't know about before.
Of course, this guide was covering a few excellent gathering paths and quite numerous farming spots, but that was none of my concern.
I rarely leave a main city.
So, in conclusion, I have to say that is best for any WoW player to choose one of the Cataclysm gold guides found on the Internet, there are plenty, in case you want a lot of gold in short time, instead of buying gold.
Why risk your 3-4 complete characters over a bunch of gold? It's totally not worth it.
However that's quite risky.
That's why eventually I resorted to a Cataclysm gold guide, to learn to make as much gold as possible in the shortest time possible, to prepare for the reforging of Azeroth.
Now, you're probably asking yourself, why buying gold is risky? Well, it's against the game rules, and you can get your game account banned for such a trade if they intercept it.
your account might get hacked if the gold sellers have hidden keyloggers on their page.
That eventually happened to me and it was quite a bit hard to explain to the Blizzard technical support what happened.
Eventually, I got my account back but my characters were wearing only their tabards, being stripped off their equipment.
My crafting materials and gold savings were also gone.
Unfortunately I couldn't recover any of that so I had to start over again.
Therefore, my only fast gold making option seemed to be lying in the Cataclysm gold guides.
So I dug up a few and to my surprise, that information I got was quite solid.
Here's what the best of the Cataclysm gold guides I started to work with contains.
Firstly, it covers all the information concerning the Auction House techniques.
That's exactly what I was looking for since I kinda hate farming.
Trading stuff at can be done even within the short breaks between two arena matches, or between two battlegrounds, so it suits me best.
Not only I have learned exactly what's best to sell, when and how to sell it, I've also mastered all the Auction House money making techniques for Cataclysm, using a few excellent addons that I didn't know about before.
Of course, this guide was covering a few excellent gathering paths and quite numerous farming spots, but that was none of my concern.
I rarely leave a main city.
So, in conclusion, I have to say that is best for any WoW player to choose one of the Cataclysm gold guides found on the Internet, there are plenty, in case you want a lot of gold in short time, instead of buying gold.
Why risk your 3-4 complete characters over a bunch of gold? It's totally not worth it.