How to Be Safe in a High Crime Area
- 1). Plan ahead. Ready yourself physically and psychologically. Be aware of how you respond to high-stress situations. Most people will experience a "fight or flight" response or may freeze. Increasing awareness of how you react in a high-stress situation gives you the ability to stay calm and change your reaction, and not just react out of fear. Using this information, you can assess the situation and evaluate your options for getting away versus staying safe (Reference 3). There is no right way to respond in all situations, but if you can stay calm, you can choose to take the course of action that will result in the least harm to you.
- 2). Increase your awareness about basic safety behaviors. If you are out alone at night, be aware of your surroundings. Try to stay in well-lighted areas and avoid secluded areas such as doorways and alleyways. Don't openly display personal items such as your money, wallet, cell phone or expensive jewelry. If you carry a handbag, keep it next to your body, with the clasp close to you. Be aware of where you leave your handbag. For instance, avoid the back of the door in the restroom, or on the floor in any location.
- 3). Make personal safety your first priority if you are attacked. If someone threatens you and demands your personal belongings, you should hand them over. Stay calm if someone confronts you with a weapon; look for a way to escape and remember details of the attacker's features. Make noise such as shouting; this may scare the assailant away and bring attention.
Personal protection strategies