A True Modern Samurai Among Us
It was my very first class at this club.
Nervously, I stood in line where I was told to stand, white crisp karate uniform, belt tied neatly, with the belt tips of exact equal length.
I was one of at least 30 brand-new students, and like that iron taste of blood in your mouth, you could smell the nervousness in the air.
The instructor, a Japanese gentleman of very short stature walked to the front of the room.
Short stature maybe, but this man commanded a great deal of respect none the less.
It was hard to describe, as you don't encounter people like him every day.
He said nothing.
He glanced casually at each and every one of us.
I thought it interesting, that he made a point of making eye contact with every single new individual in the room before even speaking a word.
Then it began.
He started at one end of the front row, and worked his way through each new student.
He asked of us that we introduce ourselves briefly.
He made meaningful eye contact with his new students as we told him our names and our vocation.
As I mentioned before, there were approximately 30 new students so it took a bit of time for all of us to relay this information to him.
When the last student had introduced himself, he went back to the front of the room.
He formally welcomed us all to the class and then one by one looked at us and told us our first and last names, and what we did.
Somehow, he memorized all of our names and never mistook anyone by calling them by the wrong name.
Talk about making an amazing first impression.
He didn't make a single mistake.
Can you do that? A serious martial artist is the kind of person who strives to better themselves.
Not simply gaining strength and conditioning or acquiring self-defense tactics, but we strive to better ourselves in every area of life that is important to us.
I'm sure you have heard the expression from Will Rogers that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
This man, this modern samurai certainly knew how to accomplish this.
What areas in your life can stand improvement? More importantly, what do you plan to do about it? Modern Samurai Society - Standing United We Pack a Punch Al Bargen
Nervously, I stood in line where I was told to stand, white crisp karate uniform, belt tied neatly, with the belt tips of exact equal length.
I was one of at least 30 brand-new students, and like that iron taste of blood in your mouth, you could smell the nervousness in the air.
The instructor, a Japanese gentleman of very short stature walked to the front of the room.
Short stature maybe, but this man commanded a great deal of respect none the less.
It was hard to describe, as you don't encounter people like him every day.
He said nothing.
He glanced casually at each and every one of us.
I thought it interesting, that he made a point of making eye contact with every single new individual in the room before even speaking a word.
Then it began.
He started at one end of the front row, and worked his way through each new student.
He asked of us that we introduce ourselves briefly.
He made meaningful eye contact with his new students as we told him our names and our vocation.
As I mentioned before, there were approximately 30 new students so it took a bit of time for all of us to relay this information to him.
When the last student had introduced himself, he went back to the front of the room.
He formally welcomed us all to the class and then one by one looked at us and told us our first and last names, and what we did.
Somehow, he memorized all of our names and never mistook anyone by calling them by the wrong name.
Talk about making an amazing first impression.
He didn't make a single mistake.
Can you do that? A serious martial artist is the kind of person who strives to better themselves.
Not simply gaining strength and conditioning or acquiring self-defense tactics, but we strive to better ourselves in every area of life that is important to us.
I'm sure you have heard the expression from Will Rogers that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
This man, this modern samurai certainly knew how to accomplish this.
What areas in your life can stand improvement? More importantly, what do you plan to do about it? Modern Samurai Society - Standing United We Pack a Punch Al Bargen