Making Decisions is a Leaders Daily Task
Making Decisions is a Leaders Daily Task
When giving leadership seminars a question that is frequently asked is: how do you learn to lead, I have never led anyone. The answer to this question is pretty simple; you make decisions everyday so in actuality you have been leading for a long time.
Leadership is all about making decisions that will improve your life or business. We have all made poor decisions sometime in our lives and the key to recovering is making smart decisions to correct the problem. If you don't take action to correct the problem then you are making poor leadership decisions and will be a weak leader until you do. You cannot continue to beat yourself up about past poor decisions, learn from them and move on.
Leadership isn't a part time commitment but a lifetime commitment. Everyday you have to make countless decisions and you are not going to make the right decision every time. The key is that you make logical decision that makes sense. Outstanding leaders will seek advice from people in their network they have confidence in when needed.
Everyone has an ego but you have to control your ego not allowing it to cause you to make poor leadership decisions. If I know someone that has experience regarding a problem I am dealing with I have no problem asking for their advice. There isn't anyone that knows everything. I have worked with some people that think they know everything but they aren't fooling anyone but their selves.
There are people that will tell you that you are showing a weakness asking for advice, that's a bunch of bull. Every highly successful leader has a strong team around them as this provides them a group of trusted leaders to assist in making tough decisions.
Leadership is a daily challenge; use your experience and other trusted leaders when you need help making a tough decision. You will have a greater success rate, try it and you will see.
When giving leadership seminars a question that is frequently asked is: how do you learn to lead, I have never led anyone. The answer to this question is pretty simple; you make decisions everyday so in actuality you have been leading for a long time.
Leadership is all about making decisions that will improve your life or business. We have all made poor decisions sometime in our lives and the key to recovering is making smart decisions to correct the problem. If you don't take action to correct the problem then you are making poor leadership decisions and will be a weak leader until you do. You cannot continue to beat yourself up about past poor decisions, learn from them and move on.
Leadership isn't a part time commitment but a lifetime commitment. Everyday you have to make countless decisions and you are not going to make the right decision every time. The key is that you make logical decision that makes sense. Outstanding leaders will seek advice from people in their network they have confidence in when needed.
Everyone has an ego but you have to control your ego not allowing it to cause you to make poor leadership decisions. If I know someone that has experience regarding a problem I am dealing with I have no problem asking for their advice. There isn't anyone that knows everything. I have worked with some people that think they know everything but they aren't fooling anyone but their selves.
There are people that will tell you that you are showing a weakness asking for advice, that's a bunch of bull. Every highly successful leader has a strong team around them as this provides them a group of trusted leaders to assist in making tough decisions.
Leadership is a daily challenge; use your experience and other trusted leaders when you need help making a tough decision. You will have a greater success rate, try it and you will see.